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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2016 str. 51     <-- 51 -->        PDF

the last instar caterpillars were found exclusively on the upper leaf surface. Pupation also takes place on both sides of the leaves.
The literature (Polak 2009) indicates that the adults that hatch in June reproduce at least partially, so that the larvae are observed again in late June/early July (Figure 7). The resulting adults then overwinter. This second generation is, as already mentioned, only partial. In Slovenia L. celtis has one generation, with the occurrence of adults during June to September; adults overwinter and the next year fly from March to April. In Slovenia this species reproduces only in the Primorska region, which coincides with the distribution of its host species in Slovenia (Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije-Natural History Museum of Slovenia, Adults can fly to other parts of the country in summer.