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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2016 str. 55     <-- 55 -->        PDF

Robinia, Cercis, Hibiscus, Tilia, Acer, Aesculus, Euonymus, Vitis, Fraxinus, Lonicera) and exceptionally in conifers (Abies) (Brelih et al. 2006). C. australis is a new host for this species. The larvae initially develop under the bark, and afterwards in the wood of dying or dead branches and the tree trunk. In Europe it takes one year for a full life cycle, exceptionally 2, whereas in the southern part of the USA, where the species originates, it takes only 3 months. Adults are active during the day, when they are usually frequent on their food plants, and occasionally also in the blossoms of bushes (Brelih et al. 2006; Sama 2002).
The only available information connecting this cerambycid with C. australis in the studied area are data given by M. Hoskovec (Neoclytus acuminatus, He reared adult beetles from the larvae found in a dead trunk of C. australis collected in Šušnjevica (15 km east of Pazin, Istrian peninsula, Croatia) in August 2006. Hrašovec (2009) documented a case of Celtis related problems resulting from a secondary but intensive attack of N. acuminatus on water stressed Celtis trees planted along a street in Novi Vinodolski (Figures 18, 19).
From Hungary Fetykó et al. (2013) report on the mass occurrence of the alien (likely native to Asia) and invasive scale insect Coccus pseudomagnoliarum (Kuwana, 1914) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) on urban Celtis occidentalis L. trees. In addition, in Hungary Bozsik (2015) mentioned C. occidentalis on which adults and waxy secretion of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) (Hemiptera: Flatidae) were observed. Although only known from C. occidentalis (native to North America) in Hungary, there is good reason to assume that C. pseudomagnoliarum and M. pruinosa are potentially able to develop on C. australis also (the opinion of G. Csóka).
Forest insects, which are of significant economic importance, are divided into four feeding guilds: phloemophages, leaf-chewers, leaf-miners and leaf-suckers (Jurc 2007). Current climate change scenarios predict different impacts on insects (Csóka 1997; Grégoire and Evans 2004; Hirka and Csóka