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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2016 str. 62     <-- 62 -->        PDF

Due to incomplete data, further analyses included only a five-year period (01.01.2008.-31.12.2012.).
The total number of annually employed workers in forest utilization operations ranged from 302 (in 2010) to 323 (in 2008). The largest number of workers were employed in silvicultural operations (Table 1).
The total number of injuries recorded in the 2008-2012 period was 181, of which 172 light injuries, while 9 injuries were categorized as severe bodily injuries. All injured workers were men. There were no fatal injuries during this period. The percentage of injuries in the total number of workers is 12%. Out of the total number of injured workers, the largest share (68%) are loggers, which is followed by silvicultural workers (20%), tractor drivers (8%), manual loaders (3%) and truck drivers (1%) (Table 2). The largest number of injuries occurred in the territory of WU4 (Figure 3).
The largest number of injuries occurred in 2008 during logging operations, as much as 77% of the total number of injured workers that year (Table 2).
Injured loggers account for 25% of the total number of loggers. Due to the percentages of injured workers, further analyses included only those workers who worked as loggers. The average number of working days of these workers was 160, while the average number of norm days (days needed to fulfill the norm) was 193.
Out of the total number of injured workers during the 2008-2012 period, the majority were injured once (99 employees). In the same period, 26 workers were injured twice and 9 employees were injured three or more times. The largest number of injuries was registered in the territory of WU4 where, for example in 2008, out of the total of 28 workers engaged in logging and assortment processing, almost one half of workers were injured at least once during that year.
The most commonly injured workers were loggers aged between 30 and 40 (Figure 4), i.e. workers with between 15 and 20 years of service (Figure 5). The average worker age was 38.8 and the average length of service was 16 years.