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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2017 str. 66     <-- 66 -->        PDF

pojačanog nadzora nad stanjem na terenu i nad poštivanjem odredbe u Zakonu o katastru nekretnina da je svaki vlasnik dužan održavati način uporabe naznačen u katastru ili u roku od 30 dana prijaviti i upisati promjenu karakteristika čestice (prijepis posjedništva, način uporabe, izgrađenost i sl). Neka od mogućih dodatnih zakonodavnih rješenja su zabraniti cijepanje čestica ispod određene površine (kao npr. u Grčkoj gdje je od 1979. godine zabranjeno dalje dijeliti poljoprivrednu česticu veličine ispod 0,4 ha- EC Agriculture and rural development report, 2013) te odrediti obvezu okrupnjavanja zemljišta, kao i dodatno stimulirati to određenim naknadama. Istodobno treba umanjiti upravne pristojbe, kao i cijene parcelacijskog i/ili geodetskog elaborata koji su posjednicima glavna prepreka poštivanja ove odredbe.
Ovim načelom mrkve i batine, uz nastavak aktivnosti Savjetodavne službe možda bi se pobudila zainteresiranost šumoposjednika, koja bi dugoročno polučila određene rezultate te omogućila učinkovitije i potrajnije gospodarenje šumama šumoposjednika.
Agrosynergie, 2013: Evaluation of the structural effects of direct support-Final Report, EC Agriculture and rural development, str.70
Avdibegović M., Petrović N., Nonić D., Posavec S., Marić B., Vuletić D., 2010: Spremnost privatnih šumoposjednika u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini na suradnju pri izgradnji i održavanju šumskih cesta, Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXIV, str 55-64
Čavlović J., 2004: Unapređenje stanja i gospodarenja privatnim šumama na području Zagrebačke županije (znanstvena studija), Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb
Glück, P., M. Avdibegović, A. Čabaravdić, D. Nonić, N. Petrović, S. Posavec, M. Stojanovska, S. Imočanin, S. Krajter, N. Lozanovska, B. Marić, V. Milijić, A. Mrkobrada, S. Trninić, 2011: Private forest owners in the Western Balkans- Ready for the formation of interest associations, Research report 25, Project: Research into the Organizations of private forest owners associations in the Western Balkan region (PRIFORT), EFI
Glück, P., M. Avdibegović, A. Čabaravdić, D. Nonić, N. Petrović, S. Posavec, M. Stojanovska, S. Imočanin, S. Krajter, N. Lozanovska, B. Marić, V. Milijić, A. Mrkobrada, S. Trninić, 2009: Final report on the research results, Volume 1: Main results. Project: Research into the Organizations of private forest owners associations in the Western Balkan region (PRIFORT), EFI.
Halder P., Paladinić E., Stevanov M., Orlović S., Hokkanen T.J., Pelkonen P., 2014: Energy wood production from private forests – nonindustrial private forest owners’ perceptions and attitudes in Croatia and Serbia (Renew. Sustainable Energy Rev. vol 35 515–526)
Ketchen, D.J., Shook, C.L., 1996: The application of cluster analysis in strategic management research: An analysis and critique. Strategic Management Journal, vol. 17, 441 – 458.
Kovačić, Đ. 1997: Problematika gospodarenja šumama na kojima postoji pravo vlasništva (privatne šume) u Hrvatskoj, Šumarski list br. 5-6, 225-242, Zagreb
Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodnog gospodarstva, 2004: Izviješće o stanju šuma, Sabor 2004
Oikon, 2015, Program zaštite okoliša Grada Zagreba, Stručna studija, Zagreb
Paladinić, E., Vuletić, D., Posavec S., 2008: Pregled stanja privatnog šumoposjeda u RH Rad. – šumar. inst. Jastrebar. 43 (1): 45–58
Posavec S., Šašek M., Beljan K., 2011: The structure and potential of small scale forests in the north-west of Croatia, IUFRO SMALL-SCALE FORESTRY CONFERENCE, Freiburg, p 107-112
Posavec S., Beljan K., (2012): Information analysis of management goals of private forest owners in Croatia, Informatol. 45, vol. 3,p. 238-245
Šumskogospodarska osnova Republike Hrvatske, 2006-2015, Hrvatske šume
Zakon o šumama (NN 140/05, 82/06, 129/08, 80/10, 124/10, 25/12, 68/12, 148/13, 94/14)
Zakon o državnoj izmjeri i katastru nekretnina (NN 16/07, 152/08, 124/10, 56/13)
Private owned forests occupy 22 % of the total forest and forest land area i.e. approximately 600,000 ha, according to Forest Management Plan for the area of the Republic of Croatia. Some of the private owned forest characteristics are as follows: small cadastral plots and estates, large number of landlords for the same area and great discrepancy of cadastral data. In this research, analyzed data about cadastral plots and landlords are taken from 319 cadastral municipalities (CM) distributed in 5 regions of the Republic of Croatia as well in 53 private owned forest management units. The sample represents 8.74 % of the Croatian area i.e. 15.69 % of the private owned forest area, according to the Forest Management Plan for the area of the Republic of Croatia. In addition to the statistical characteristic of the cadastral plots regarding regions, two cluster analyses are performed for better characterization of the regions. The first cluster analysis refers to the possession variables: average area of the cadastral plots inside CMs included in private-owned forest management plans (P-FMP), average area of the estates inside CMs included in P-FMP and average amount of the landlords in possession sheets by CMs included in P-FMP. Second cluster analysis refers to spatial variables: total area of the CMs, ratio of the forested areas by private-owned forests and ratio of the „non-forest” land according to cadastral land use data included in P-FMP.