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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2017 str. 41     <-- 41 -->        PDF

Allen, A. M., J. Mansson, A. Jarnemo, N. Bunnefeld, 2014: The impacts of landscape structure on the winter movements and habitat selection of female red deer, Eur J Wildlife Res, 60: 411-421.
Alves, J., A. A. da Silva, A. Soares, C. Fonseca, 2014: Spatial and temporal habitat use and selection by red deer: The use of direct and indirect methods, Mamm Biol, 79: 338-348.
Apollonio, M., R. Andersen, R. J. Putman, 2010: European Ungulates and their Management in the 21st Century, Cambridbe University Press, 604 p., Edinburgh.
Baasch, D. M., J. W. Fischer, S. E. Hygnstrom, K. C. VerCauteren, A. J. Tyre, J. J. Millspaugh, J. W. Merchant, J. D. Volesky, 2010: Resource Selection by Elk in an Agro-Forested Landscape of Northwestern Nebraska, Environ Manage, 46: 725-737.
Biro, Z., L. Szemethy, K. Katona, M. Heltai, Z. Peto, 2006: Seasonal distribution of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in a forest-agriculture habitat in Hungary, Mammalia, 70: 70-75.
Borkowski, J., J. Ukalska, 2008: Winter habitat use by red and roe deer in pine-dominated forest, For Ecol Manage, 255: 468-475.
Burnham, K. P., D. R. Anderson, 2002: Model Selection and Multimodel Inference – A Practical Information-Theoretic Approach, Springer-Verlag, 488 p., New York.
Campbell, D., G. M. Swanson, J. Sales, 2004: Comparing the precision and cost-effectiveness of faecal pellet group count methods, J Appl Ecol, 41: 1185-1196.
Conradt, L., T. H. Clutton-Brock, F. E. Guinness, 2000: Sex differences in weather sensitivity can cause habitat segregation: red deer as an example, Anim Behav, 59: 1049-1060.
Cowled, B. D., F. Giannini, S. D. Beckett, A. Woolnough, S. Barry, L. Randall, G. Garner, 2009: Feral pigs: predicting future distributions, Wildlife Res, 36: 242-251.
Cross, P. C., D. M. Heisey, B. M. Scurlock, W. H. Edwards, M. R. Ebinger, A. Brennan, 2010: Mapping Brucellosis Increases Relative to Elk Density Using Hierarchical Bayesian Models, PLoS One, 5.
Csányi, S., J. Carranza, B. Pokorny, R. Putman, M. Ryan, 2014: Valuing ungulates in Europe, Behaviour and Management of European Ungulates, Whittles Publishing, 304, Dunbeath.
Čampa, L., 1986: Poškodbe mlajših smrekovih monokultur po divjadi na Pohorju ter izdelava metodologije za obnovo prizadetih sestojev, Inštitut za gozdno in lesno gospodarstvo, 124 p., Ljubljana.
Debeljak, M., S. Dzeroski, K. Jerina, A. Kobler, M. Adamic, 2001: Habitat suitability modelling for red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) in South-central Slovenia with classification trees, Ecol Model, 138: 321-330.
Diaci, J., 2006: Gojenje gozdov: pragozdovi, sestoji, zvrsti, načrtovanje, izbrana poglavja, Univerzitetni učbenik, Univerza v Ljubljani, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire, 348 p., Ljubljana.
Dormann, C. F., J. M. McPherson, M. B. Araujo, R. Bivand, J. Bolliger, G. Carl, R. G. Davies, A. Hirzel, W. Jetz, W. D. Kissling, I. Kuhn, R. Ohlemuller, P. R. Peres-Neto, B. Reineking, B. Schroder, F. M. Schurr, R. Wilson, 2007: Methods to account for spatial autocorrelation in the analysis of species distributional data: a review, Ecography, 30: 609-628.
Ferretti, F., S. Mattioli, 2012: The Mesola red deer: present numbers and conservation perspectives, Hystrix, 23: 35-43.
Figgins, G., P. Holland, 2012: Red deer in New Zealand: Game animal, economic resource or environmental pest?, N Z Geogr, 68: 36-48.
Gerhardt, P., J. M. Arnold, K. Hackländer, E. Hochbichler, 2013: Determinants of deer impact in European forests – A systematic literature analysis, For Ecol Manage, 310: 173-186.
Gill, R. M. A., 1992: A review of damage by mammals in north temperate forests 1: Deer, Forestry, 65: 145-169.
Godvik, I. M. R., L. E. Loe, J. O. Vik, V. Veiberg, R. Langvatn, A. Mysterud, 2009: Temporal scales, trade-offs, and functional responses in red deer habitat selection, Ecology, 90: 699-710.
Gude, J. A., J. A. Cunningham, J. T. Herbert, T. Baumeister, 2012: Deer and elk hunter recruitment, retention, and participation trends in Montana, J Wildl Manage, 76: 471-479.
Hebblewhite, M., D. H. Pletscher, P. C. Paquet, 2002: Elk population dynamics in areas with and without predation by recolonizing wolves in Banff National Park, Alberta, Can J Zool, 80: 789-799.
Heinze, E., S. Boch, M. Fischer, D. Hessenmöller, B. Klenk, J. Müller, D. Prati, E.-D. Schulze, C. Seele, S. Socher, S. Halle, 2011: Habitat use of large ungulates in northeastern Germany in relation to forest management, For Ecol Manage, 261: 288-296.
Heurich, M., T. T. G. Brand, M. Y. Kaandorp, P. Šustr, J. Müller, B. Reineking, 2015: Country, Cover or Protection: What Shapes the Distribution of Red Deer and Roe Deer in the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem?, PLoS One, 10: 1-17.
Hines, A. M., V. O. Ezenwa, P. Cross, J. D. Rogerson, 2007: Effects of supplemental feeding on gastrointestinal parasite infection in elk (Cervus elaphus): Preliminary observations, Vet Parasitol, 148: 350-355.
Hosmer, D. W., S. Lemeshow, R. X. Sturdivant, 2013: Applied Logistic Regression, 3rd Edition, Applied Logistic Regression, 3rd Edition, Blackwell Science Publ, 1-500, Oxford.
Iain, J. G., H. T. P. Herbert, 2008: The Ecology of Browsing and Grazing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p., Berlin.
Imperio, S., M. Ferrante, A. Grignetti, G. Santini, S. Focardi, 2010: Investigating population dynamics in ungulates: Do hunting statistics make up a good index of population abundance?, Wildlife Biol, 16: 205-214.
Iravani, M., M. Schutz, P. J. Edwards, A. C. Risch, C. Scheidegger, H. H. Wagner, 2011: Seed dispersal in red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) dung and its potential importance for vegetation dynamics in subalpine grasslands, Basic Appl Ecol, 12: 505-515.
Jakša, 2011: Navodila za usmerjanje razvoja populacij divjadi v Sloveniji, Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, 34 p., Ljubljana.
Jakša, 2012: Vektorska karta gozdnih sestojev v Sloveniji, Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, Ljubljana.
Jedrzejewski, W., K. Schmidt, J. Theuerkauf, B. Jedrzejewska, N. Selva, K. Zub, L. Szymura, 2002: Kill rates and predation by wolves on ungulate populations in Bialowieza Primeval Forest (Poland), Ecology, 83: 1341-1356.
Jerina, K., 2006a: Prostorska razporeditev, območja aktivnosti in telesna masa jelenjadi (Cervus elaphus L.) glede na okoljske dejavnike, Doktorska disertacija Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Ljubljana.
Jerina, K., 2006b: Vplivi okoljskih dejavnikov na prostorsko razporeditev divjega prašiča (Sus scrofa L.) v Sloveniji, Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 81: 3-20.