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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2017 str. 42     <-- 42 -->        PDF

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Jerina, K., M. Dajčman, M. Adamič, 2008: Red deer (Cervus elaphus) bark stripping on spruce with regard to spatial distribution of supplemental feeding places, Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 86: 33-43.
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Meisingset, E. L., L. E. Loe, O. Brekkum, B. Van Moorter, A. Mysterud, 2013: Red deer habitat selection and movements in relation to roads, J Wildl Manage, 77: 181-191.
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Mysterud, A., H. Askilsrud, L. E. Loe, V. Veiberg, 2010: Spatial patterns of accumulated browsing and its relevance for management of red deer Cervus elaphus, Wildlife Biol, 16: 162-172.
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Reinecke, H., L. Leinen, I. Thissen, M. Meissner, S. Herzog, S. Schutz, C. Kiffner, 2014: Home range size estimates of red deer in Germany: environmental, individual and methodological correlates, Eur J Wildlife Res, 60: 237-247.
Rodriguez-Hidalgo, P., C. Gortazar, F. S. Tortosa, C. Rodriguez-Vigal, Y. Fierro, J. Vicente, 2010: Effects of density, climate, and