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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2017 str. 47 <-- 47 --> PDF |
prices addressed the issue of prices at which the products were sold both in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as the issue of the price competitiveness of enterprises. Questions regarding the promotion were about the use of promotional activities in the companies surveyed. RESULTS REZULTATI Basic information about the SMEs surveyed – Osnovne informacije o anketiranim malim i srednjim poduzeća According to the results of the survey, there were four main types of companies, and in particular, those focusing on the purchase, processing and sale of mushrooms, wild berries, medicinal and aromatic plants and honey which were considered as prevailing. The companies were mainly established during the period 1990-2005. The number of companies surveyed in the statistical region of Šumadija and Western Serbia was 55 and in Southern and Eastern Serbia 31. In Vojvodina the number of companies surveyed was 24, while in Belgrade region there were only 9 companies. Considering the fact that Serbia has an unbalanced regional development (Jelić and Jovanović 2011), the companies surveyed were unevenly represented by statistical regions of Serbia. Depending on the region, the dominant type of companies were those focusing on one type of NWFPs. Thus, in Vojvodina the largest number of companies were focused on medicinal and aromatic plants. In Southern and Eastern Serbia the largest number of companies was oriented on berries, while in Šumadija and Western Serbia companies were largely focused on the purchasing, processing and sale of mushrooms (Figure 1). The results of the cluster analysis – Rezultati analize klastera Three groups of enterprises were identified in Serbia based on a preselected criteria algorithm (Schwarz Bayesian Criterion). They were identified and named according to their main distinguishing characteristics. The first group tended to score high on commercialisation of medicinal herbs and therefore was labelled ‘Companies focusing on medicinal and aromatic plants’. The second group was identified as ‘Companies focusing on berries’ because of their quantity of purchase and placement on domestic market and export. The third group was labelled ‘Companies focusing on mixed products’, because of similar participation of mushrooms and berries into cluster. The cluster analysis (Table 2) placed most SMEs in the cluster 3 (73.9%). SMEs under the cluster 2 included 13.5% of enterprises, whereas the remaining 12.6% of the SMEs formed the cluster 1. The main products in the „Medicinal and aromatic plants” cluster were medicinal and aromatic plants (chamomile, mint, yarrow, St. John’s wort etc.), while the „Berries” |