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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2017 str. 51 <-- 51 --> PDF |
Gospodarenje šumama treba obuhvaćati gospodarenje sa svim organizmima u šumama (pa i tartufima), ali i gospodarenje sa staništem, s obzirom na važnost optimalnih stanišnih uvjeta za razvoj šumskog drveća i drugih organizama. Potrajno gospodarenje šumama treba obuhvaćati i potrajno gospodarenja sa svim šumskim dobrima, pa i tartufima, te ga je potrebno uspostaviti. Zahvala aCKNOWLEDGEMENT Autori se zahvaljuju Šumarskoj savjetodavnoj službi na potpori ovog istraživanja. Literatura rEFERENCES Arnolds, E., 1991: Decline of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Europe, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 35:209-244. Bonito, G., Smith, M.E., Nowak, M., Healy, R.A., Guevara, G., Cazeres, E., Kinoshita, A., Nouhra, E.R., Doninguez, L.S., Tedersoo, L., Murat, C., Wang, Y., Arroyo Moreno, B., Pfister D. H., Nara, K., Zambonelli, A., Trappe, J.M., Vilgalys, R., 2013: Historical Biogeography and Diversification of Truffles in the Tuberaceae and Their Newly Identified Southern Hemisphere Sister Lineage. PloS ONE 8(1): e52765. Božac, R., 2008: Enciklopedija gljiva 2, Školska knjiga, str. 6 – 57, 686 – 700, Zagreb Bragato, G., Sladonja, B., Peršurić, Đ., 2004: The soil environment for Tuber magnatum growth in Motovun forest, Istria, Nat. Croat., Vol. 13, No 2: 171-185, Zagreb Ćaleta, M., 2001: Kako sačuvati tartufe i uvesti red među tartufare, Hrvatske šume, broj 61: 16 – 17, Zagreb Frančišović, S., 1950: Naši tartufi, Šumarski list, 1-2:23-38, Zagreb Hall, I.R., Brown, G.T., Zambonelli, A., 2007: Taming the truffle, The History, Lore, and Science of the Ultimate Mushroom, Timber press, str. 22-33, 55-57, 99-116, 214, Portland Hrka, J., 1984: Općenito o tartufima, njihovim nalazištima i uzgoju na umjetan način, Šumarski list, 11 – 12: 523 – 536., Zagreb Hrka, J., 1988: Tartufi. Mladost, str. 1-75, Zagreb Pravilnik o zaštiti gljiva, 2002, Narodne novine, 34/02. Smith, S. E., Read, D. J., 1997: Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, Academic Press, p. 1-605, San Diego Souch, C. A., Martin, P. J., Stephens, W., Spoor, G., 2004: Effects of soil compaction and mechanical damage at harvest on growth and biomass production of short rotation coppice willow. Plant and Soil 263, p. 173-182. Tikvić, I., Ugarković, D., Kobasić, Z., 2012: Ecophysiological Distrubances of Mycorrhiza Caused by the Application of Forest Operations in Forest Ecosystems – Review. Proceedings of 45th IUFRO International Symposium on Forestry mechanization. „Forest Engineering: Concern, Knowledge and Accountability in Today’s Environment“, str. 1-9, Zagreb. Wiensczyk A. M., Gamiet, S., Durall, D. M., Jones, M. D., Simard, S. W., 2002: Ectomycorrhizae and forestry in British Columbia: A summary of current research and conservation strategies, B. C. Journal of Ecosystems and Management, Vol. 2, No. 1:1-20 Wilpert, K., Schäffer, J., 2006: Ecological effects of soil compaction and initial recovery dynamics: a preliminary study, European Journal of Forest Research, 125:129-138. Zgrablić, Ž., Brenko, A., Matočec, N., Kušan, I., Fornažar, A., Čulinović, J., Prekalj, G., 2014: Povijesni pregled poznavanja i gospodarenja tartufima, Strategija održivog tartufarstva u Istarskoj županiji, Istarska županija, Upravni odjel za poljoprivredu, šumarstvo, lovstvo, ribarstvo i vodoprivredu, str. 9-11, 22-27, Pazin Summary Truffles are natural symbiotic fungi on forest trees which develop in most forest ecosystems in Croatia. They draw special attention due to their gastronomic properties and high price. In Croatia truffles are most intensively collected in forests of Istria, even though they are known to exist also in other mediterranean and continental parts of Croatia up to 600 m above sea level. This paper presents new localities where truffles have been discovered in Croatia, as well as the data about truffle distribution in Europe. The truffle management in forest ecosystems of Croatia is not fully organized. The issues of sustainable truffle management in forests are the changing of ecological conditions, intensive and unorganized truffle collection and decrease of tree vitality. This paper discusses the most important unfavorable ecological and other factors for truffle development. Also, possibilities for improvement of truffle production in forests and truffle farms are presented, with special attention to habitat management. Key words: truffles, new truffle locality, sustainable truffle management |