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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2017 str. 66     <-- 66 -->        PDF

Rezultati ovoga rada dobiveni su zahvaljujući potpori Udruge za prirodu, okoliš i održivi razvoj Sunce iz Splita, te se autori zahvaljuju na potpori.
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Forest ecosystem services and forest functions have similar meaning with partial differences. Forest functions refer to forests’ purposes beneficial to people, while ecosystem services are results of forest functions and still present the benefits of ecosystems to people and environment. Ecosystem services cover all forest functions, whereas non-market forest functions are those which are used by all people. Park forest Marjan with its many ecosystems offers many services and benefits to the inhabitants of Split, park forest visitors and other organisms. Of the 300 ha area of park forest Marjan, forest ecosystems are most prevalent and account for 2/3 of the park forest area. In this paper, 28 forest ecosystem services of park forest Marjan were defined for the first time based on the international ecosystem services classification and other non-market forest function