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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2017 str. 35     <-- 35 -->        PDF

The study area was selected from fire damaged forests located within the border of Taşağıl FEC. The study area consisted of 1902 ha of high forest, 740 ha of unproductive forest, and 1285 ha of unforested area. After field reconnaissance and office work, total of 20 forest compartments were selected from burned areas based on size and severity of the damage (Figure 3).  The compartments of datas are given in Table 2.
2.2. Field Study and Data Collection – 2.2. Terensko istraživanje i prikupljanje podataka
The operational information about post-fire salvage logging applications  in the study area were obtained by interviewing with forest engineers, forest rangers, and forest workers who attended extraordinary timber extraction operations after Serik-Taşağıl fire. During these interviews,