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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2017 str. 38     <-- 38 -->        PDF

4) Timber extraction must be completed within 60 days (i.e. 28800 scheduled working minutes) after standing timber sale was done:
where  Pcst is production rate (min/m3) of forest operation technique.
5) In each forest compartments, timber extraction must be completed within 17 days (i.e. 8160 scheduled working minutes) of expected insect attacking time
The mathematical model was developed based on linear programing because there is a linear relationship between model components (i.e. decision variables, objective function). Based on the site conditions, stand characteristics, and topographical features in the study area, several alternative forest operation techniques were evaluated for each work stages of post-fire salvage logging operation (Table 3). Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to evaluate these techniques based on ecologic, economic, and social criteria (Table 4).    
The planning purposes, regional suitability, time study analysis, and general information about alternative forest operation techniques were used to assign values to each criterion. The weighted values (1-very low priority; 2-low priority; 3- normal priority; 4-high priority; 5-very high priority) for each technique was assigned based on the indicators and then comparison matrixes were developed accordingly. Table 5 indicates sample comparison matrix for forest operation techniques used in timber extraction activities.
The output values of comparison matrixes were normalized and vectors of relative measures were generated. Then, constraints were produced based on these values and coefficients for the techniques were generated based on each indicator. Finally, coefficient of the each criterion was determined by adding coefficients of the indicators. MS Excel program was used to make the data ready for time study analysis. Then, the outputs generated by this analysis were reorganized to be used in LINDO program (Figure 5).
2.4. Post-fire Action Planning (PFAP) model – 2.4. Model planiranja aktivnosti nakon požara
In order to minimize total time spent on post-fire salvage logging operation, multi matrix model was developed based on the forest compartments, alternative forest operation techniques, damage assessment groups, and seasons. Total of 20 forest compartments were evaluated in burned areas