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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2017 str. 39 <-- 39 --> PDF |
based on size and severity of the damage. In the model application, three felling techniques, six timber extraction techniques, two timber hauling techniques, and two road construction techniques were evaluated (Table 2). Thus, total of 72 logging system combinations were considered from felling to road construction activities. Besides, fire damage assessment activities were done by three groups with different number of team members (i.e. 2, 4, and 8 members). The performances of each group as also examined in the model. Seasons were divided into two groups (high density and low density) based on fire frequency which was determined by analyzing fire statistics data obtained from fire headquarters in the study area. By considering different timber production and sale activities that were actually taken place in the study area after Serik-Taşağıl fire, three scenarios were evaluated and tested for each season during the solution process. In the Scenarios I, three damage assessment groups (DAg), three felling techniques (Ft), six timber extraction techniques (TEt), two timber hauling techniques (Ht), and two road construction techniques (RCt) were evaluated to find the optimum logging system combination with minimum operation time for 20 forest components. Thus, optimum solution with shortest salvage logging time was searched through 4320 alternative logging systems (Table 6). The model considers the stand characteristics of the forest compartments, terrain conditions, as well as economic, environmental, and social constraints. Based on the actual salvage logging implementations in the study area, new road sections were built in six forest compartments where road density was not sufficient (i.e. average 9.93 m/ha) for logging |