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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2017 str. 76 <-- 76 --> PDF |
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Završno izvješće projekta MZOŠ 2008. – 2013. (voditelj i glavni istraživač prof. dr. sc. Ivan Martinić). Potočnik, I., T. Pentek, A. Poje, 2009: Severity Analysis of Accidents in Forest Operations, Croat. J. of Forest Eng., vol. 30, pp. 171-184. Smith, L.A., R.E. Thomas, 1993: Ergonomics research in the Southern United States. Unasylva (FAO), vol. 44 (no. 172), pp. 38-44. Sozialversicherung der Bauern, 1990: Extracts from official Austrian statistics submitted to the ILO (unpublished). Stadlmann, H., 1997: The accident situation in Austrian Forestry, with particular reference to Farm Forests. In the proceedings of the seminar „Safety and Health in Forestry are feasible!”, held in Konolfingen, 6-11 Oct. 1996, pp.127-131. BUWAL, Berne. Tsioras, P.A., P.N. Efthymiou, 2007: Need for forest workers’ training in Greek forestry. Geotechnical Scientific Issues, vol 18, pp. 46-56. (In Greek with summary in English) Tsioras, P.A., 2010: Perspectives of the forest workers in Greece. iforest, vol. 3, pp. 118-123. Tsioras, P.A., 2012: Promotion of Safety in Forest Operations. International Virtual Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas. December, 3.-7.2012, Slovakia, pp. 1395-1399. Dostupno na ‹› (Accessed 20.09.2016.) Wettman, O., 1992: Securité au travail dans l’exploitation forestière en Suisse. In FAO/ECE/ILO Proceedings of Seminar on the Future of the Forestry Workforce, edited by FAO/ECE/ILO. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press. Eduforest web-stranica, 2016. Dostupno na ‹ fr&titre=formation-france-et-europe&rub=1&srub=1&body=1› [Accessed 22.09.2016.] Europeanchainsaw web-stranica, 2016. Dostupno na ‹› [Accessed 04.10.2016.] Visoka škola za sigurnost web-stranica, 2016. Dostupno na ‹› [Accessed 13.09.2016.] Pravilnika o standardima i normativima te načinu i postupku utvrđivanja ispunjenosti uvjeta u ustanovama za obrazovanje odraslih (N.N. 129/08) Pravilnik o zaštiti na radu u šumarstvu (NN 10/86) Zakona o šumama (N.N. 94/14) Zakona o zaštiti na radu (N.N. 71/14) Summary The Introduction provides an overview of research findings related to danger and risk in the forestry profession toward other sectors through the standard indicators of safety at work on the example of the United States, Spain, Germany, Austria and other countries. On the other hand, training and periodical qualification verifying of the employee to work with the operating machinery and safe working practice are emphasized as an essential element in the process of improving the quality of work and safety in operational forestry. In addition, trends and changes in the education and training of human resources in forestry in general and the role of vocational training of forest workers in the prevention of injury and increase operational safety levels at work are cited. The subtitle material and method provides the most relevant sources that are used as the basis for drafting paper, such as, a document entitled »Professions and Training in Forestry – results of an inquiry in Europe and North America«, Eduforest International internet platform and internet platform of the European Forestry and Environmental Skills Council. Also, for the purpose of the paper forming the application of analysis and synthesis, comparison and compilation methods is explained. The third subtitle displays situation analysis of workers vocational training in forestry sector within which the Copenhagen Declaration is highlighted, which advocates strengthening and popularization of vocational education and training. Networks and programs in the field of forestry training within Europe are listed in the Table 1., and more detailed analysis of registered educational institutions in the Eduforest network basis and the results of the analysis are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Heading 3.1 clarifies the role of vocational training of workers in forestry. In addition, a positive step of vocational training of workers in forestry at European level is highlighted through the establishment of the European Forestry and Environmental Skills Council whose mission is to simplify the mobility of workers in forestry and arboriculture within the EU through processes of accreditation and promotion of individual national qualifications between the partner countries at European level. Current condition on vocational training for chainsaw operator in the forestry of Croatia are explained in |