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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2017 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

again, depending on the soil water content, the infiltration rate was measured to be higher in the southern aspect than the northern aspect due to cultivating the soils in the northern aspect during the wet period. Except the extreme case of forest soils, the infiltration rates of soil in the southern aspect were measured to be higher in all other land use types.
This research will help to clarify how LUTLC change affects soil properties and SOM accumulation. The SOM, Ks, BD, infiltration rate, and WSA of soil are strongly correlated with land use management practices. Our research focuses on assessing the impact of LUTLC and aspect on soil properties. Statistically significant differences in SOM, WSA, BD, infiltration rate and Ks were detected among the grassland, forest, and cultivated area soils. These results demonstrated that the effect of LUTLC changed on Ks was confined to shallower depths in the soil profile. Cultivation and grazing led to changes in some of the physical, chemical and hydro physical properties of soils. Soil characteristics affected negatively by tillage practices and over grazing in pluvial period are SOM, WSA, Ks, BD, and infiltration rate. The results indicate converting natural forest to grassland and cultivated area decrement SOM in soils of the all aspect.
The effect of LUTLC change on some soil properties should be accounted in order to examine accurately and simulate ecosystem dynamic in the semi – arid region of Turkey. This study indicated that change of LUTLC affected physical, chemical and hydro physical properties of soil particularly BD, infiltration rate, Ks, WSA, and SOM. So, the main objective of all LUTLC must be protection and maintain of natural resources and soil quality. Consequently, Unsuitable and wrong land use are the major factor for the degradation of soils. In catchment scale, forests areas may be positively influenced by relevant hydrological functions like infiltration, percolation, and base flow that support subsequently effect of water regime and sequestration of SOM in a catchment.
Similar results were obtained in many previous studies on this subject (Alem and Pavlis, 2014; Binkley and Fisher, 2013; Singh et al., 2014). For that reason, planners have to construct an implementation method in accordance with public demands and quality of resources.
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