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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2017 str. 13     <-- 13 -->        PDF

were positive as shown in Table 4. However, besides the correlation of habitat diversity with plant diversity, the remaining ones were with rather low statistical significance.
Habitat diversity indices (Table 3) based on the habitat map M 1:25,000 showed highest values in comparison to two other habitat maps. Only exception was index in landform class 4 – „flat slope”.
Figures 2 and 3 represent Shannon-Wiener index of diversity of habitat and relief, respectively, per MTB quadrants. The habitat diversity map (Figure 2) showed highest diversity index in peripheral region which is a result of presency of all 6 relief classes as well as long lasting human activity on habitats, resulting in the so called „Landschaftmosaik” with significant biodiversity.