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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2018 str. 82 <-- 82 --> PDF |
Qi heat per unit mass of fuel necessary for ignition – toplina po količinskoj jedinici goriva potrebnog za izgaranje, kJ kg–1 Qw water latent heat of evaporation – latentna toplina isparavanja vode, kJ kg–1 R fire-spread rate – stopa širenja požara, m s–1 ρb fuel bed density – gustoća ložišta, kg m–3 tr flame residence time – vrijeme zadržavanja plamena, s Tf fuel initial temperature – početna temperatura goriva, °C Ti fuel igniting temperature – temperatura zapaljenja goriva, °C Tv water boiling temperature – temperatura vrelišta vode, °C w fuel load – količina goriva, kg m–2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ZAHVALE The first author was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (post-doctoral grant SFRH/BPD/84770/2012, financing programs POPH and FSE). We thank Isabela Abazaj for the assistance with the English to Croatian translation. REFERENCES LITERATURA Anderson, H.E., 1964: Mechanisms of fire spread – Research progress report no. 1. USDA Forest Service Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Ogden, Utah. Research Paper INT-8. Anderson, H.E., 1983: Predicting wind-driven wildland fire size and shape. USDA Forest Service Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Ogden, Utah. Research Paper INT-305. Anderson, W.R., M.G. Cruz, P.M. Fernandes, L. McCaw, J.A. Vega, R. Bradstock, L. Fogarty, J. Gould, G. McCarthy, J.B. Marsden-Smedley, S. Matthews, G. Mattingley, G. Pearce, B. Van Wilgen, 2015: A generic, empirical-based model for predicting rate of fire spread in shrublands. Int J Wildland Fire 24: 443-460. Balbi, J.H., D.X. Viegas, J.L. Rossi, C.G. Rossa, F.J. Chatelon, D. Cancellieri, A. Simeoni, T. Marcelli, 2014: Surface fires: no wind, no slope, marginal burning. J Environ Sci Eng A: 73-86. Byram, G.M., 1959: Combustion of forest fuels. In: Forest Fire: Control and Use; Davis KP (ed). pp 90-123. McGraw-Hill, New York. Catchpole, E.A., W.R. Catchpole, 1991: Modelling moisture damping for fire spread in a mixture of live and dead fuels. Int J Wildland Fire 1: 101-106. Catchpole, W.R., E.A. Catchpole, B.W. Butler, R.C. Rothermel, G.A. Morris, D.J. Latham, 1998: Rate of spread of freeburning fires in woody fuels in a wind tunnel. Combust Sci Tech 131: 1-37. Cheney, N.P., J.S. Gould, W.R. Catchpole, 1993: The influence of fuel, weather and fire shape variables on fire-spread in grasslands. Int J Wildland Fire 3: 31-44. Dupuy, J.L., 1995: Slope and fuel load effects on fire behaviour. Int J Wildland Fire 5: 153-164. Finney, M.A., J.D. Cohen, J.M. Forthofer, S.S. McAllister, M.J. Gollner, D.J. Gorham, K. Saito, N.K. Akafuah, B.A. Adam, J.D. English, R.E. Dickinson, 2015: Role of buoyant flame dynamics in wildfire spread. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112: 9833-9838. Frandsen, W.H., 1971: Fire spread through porous fuels from the conservation of energy. Combust Flame 16: 9-16. Kucuk, O., E. Bilgili, P.M. Fernandes, 2015: Fuel modelling and potential fire behavior in Turkey. Šum. list 139: 553-560. McAlpine, R.S., 1995: Testing the effect of fuel consumption on fire spread rate. Int J Wildland Fire 5: 143-152. McArthur, A.G., 1962: Control burning in eucalypt forests. Australian Forestry and Timber Bureau. Canberra, ACT. Leaflet No 80. Rossa, C.G., D.A. Davim, D.X. Viegas, 2015: Behaviour of slope and wind backing fires. Int J Wildland Fire 24: 1085-1097. Rossa, C.G., 2017: The effect of fuel moisture content on the spread rate of forest fires in the absence of wind or slope. Int J Wildland Fire 26: 24-31. Rossa, C.G., P.M. Fernandes, 2017: Fuel-related fire behaviour relationships for mixed live and dead fuels burned in the laboratory. Can J Forest Res 47: 883-889. Rothermel, R.C., 1972: A mathematical model for predicting fire spread in wildland fuels. USDA Forest Service Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Ogden, Utah. Research Paper INT-115. Susott, R.A., 1982: Characterization of the thermal properties of forest fuels by combustible gas analysis. For Sci 28: 404-420. Thomas, P.H., 1971: Rates of spread of some wind-driven fires. Forest 44: 155-175. Sažetak Analizirana je uloga pojedinih svojstava ložišta u stopi širenja šumskog požara, na temelju ravnoteže toplinske energije, iz koje je razvijen poznati Rothermelov model širenja požara (1972), pokazujući da niti visina ložišta, jednako kao ni količina i gustoća ne utječu izravno na ravnotežu toplinske energije. Utjecaj tih parametara, često izvedenih iz empirijskih opisa stope širenja, nužno proizlazi iz neizravnih utjecaja na mehanizme prijenosa topline. Udio topline prenesen iz plamena na nesagorijelo gorivo, pretežno ovisi o sadržaju vlage u gorivu te je neovisan od stope širenja te oblika plamena. S obzirom na to da empirijski modeli uglavnom impliciraju mehanizme širenja požara u opisivanju njegovog ponašanja, rezultati ove studije mogu biti od pomoći u osmišljavanju i ocrtavanju budućih eksperimenata i pristupa. Ključne riječi: ponašanje požara, šumski požari, sagorijevanje, prijenos topline. |