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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2018 str. 59 <-- 59 --> PDF |
growth. Where necessary, cultures were purified by transferring small pieces of mycelium onto new 2 % MEA plates. We added autoclaved pieces of conifer wood (spruce) to the medium and placed cultures under UV light, to stimulate ascocarp production. Samples were carefully examined under the lens of an Olympus SZX 12 and further under an Olympus BX51 microscope. Fungi were identified based on their anamorph and teleomorph structures (Upadhyay 1981, Grylls & Seifert 1993, Wingfield et al. 1993, Jacobs & Wingfield 2001, Linnakoski et al. 2010). They were compared with fungi collected in previous research (Repe et al. 2013). Reference strains of all of the isolated ophiostomatoid fungi associated with I. amitinus in Slovenia were deposited in the culture collection of the Laboratory for Forest Protection (ZLVG) at the Slovenian Forestry Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. DATA ANALYSIS Analiza podataka The difference in number of fungi species observed at wood and adult bark beetle sampling sites between the months was compared with a Mann-Whitney test. Because the bark beetles’ early development stages were mainly found to occur on the surface, samples from 2 mm into the wood were taken for further analyses. The differences in fungi species per substrate for the depth and height were compared with a Friedmann test. The height (for the comparison between depths) and depth (for the comparison between heights) were taken as the block (Quinn & Keough 2002). When the results of this test were significant, it was followed by the Steel test (Steel 1959). The differences between the development stages were compared using a Kruskal-Wallis test followed by a Dwass-Steel test. The differences in species assemblages between the two development stages and the adult bark beetle in the different months were analysed with Permanova (Anderson 2001) using the library »vegan« (Oksanen et al. 2011) in R statistics software (R Development Core Team 2011). When multiple groups were compared pairwise, the P-value was adjusted with the Holm adjustment (Holm 1979). Additionally, for every ophiostomatoid fungi species, the differences between months for the adults and the differences between development stages over both months were tested. First, a Chi square test was performed, followed by the Ryan test (Ryan 1960). RESULTS Rezultati Fungal isolation and identification – Izolacija gljiva i identifikacija Ophiostomatoid fungi were the most numerously represented group in this research (Tab. 1). Identified fungal isolates belonged to ten species: Endoconidiophora polonica (Siemaszko) Z.W. de Beer, T.A. Duong & M.J. Wingf., (Syn.: Ceratocystis polonica (Siemaszko) C. Moreau, Revue Mycol., Paris 17 (Suppl. Colon. no. 1): 22 (1952), Index Fungorum,, Ceratocystiopsis minuta (Siemaszko) H.P. Upadhyay & W.B. Kendr., Ophiostoma |