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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2018 str. 23 <-- 23 --> PDF |
The review on the topic shows that the subject is very actual and investigated in the world, but in our country there is a lack of sufficient data, which requires the conduction of this study. Material and methods Materijali i metode Study sites – Područje istraživanja The studies were conducted in four sample plots located in beech communities in the territory of Petrohan Training and Experimental Forest Range. The beech stands in the range are considered among the best in Europe. They are unique in terms of their productivity and multifunctional purpose. It is located on the north-eastern slopes of Western Balkan Range, Bulgaria. Its total area is 7192 ha. The relief of the range is typically mountainous, steep, with deeply cut river valleys and steep minor ridges. The lowest point of the range is at an altitude of 350 m; the highest point is at an altitude of 1900 m. The high proportion of the forest area (88,5%) is located in the middle-mountain forest zone, containing beech and coniferous trees (600-1800 m). The region belongs to the temperate climatic zone. The soils are mainly (Cambisols, CM, WRB, 2006). The sample plots main characteristics are given in Table. 1 Phytocoenotic horizon I into the territory of SP 1 was mono dominant presented by common beech. Its total coverage was 70%. Phytocoenotic horizon II was with coverage of 70%, and was also represented mainly by undergrowth of common beech. The general cover of phytocenotic horizon III was 90%, and it included 14 plant species. This plot is a training sample plot for University of Forestry. It is special category and is part of site of community importance (SCI) of Natura 2000 network . The harvesting intensity in the stand is 0% last 10 years. The canopy is low and rotation is not foreseen. On the territory of SP 2 Fagus sylvatica was a dominant in the first phytocoenotic horizon and Acer pseudoplatanus L. had a single participation. Overall cover was 50%. Phytocoenotic horizon II was with cover 10% as Atropa belladonna L. occured in it. The total cover of phytocoenotic horizon III was 100%, as it includes 29 plant species. The harvesting intensity in the stand is 15% and the rotation period is 20 years. On the territory of SP 3 the first phytocoenotic horizon was represented only by Fagus sylvatica L. Its total cover was 70%. Phytocenotic horizon II was with coverage 30%. The total coverage of the third phytocenotic horizon was 90%, as it includes 15 plant species. This plot is special category and is part of site of community importance (SCI) of Natura 2000 network. The harvesting intensity is 0% and rotation is not foreseen because it is a seed production stand. Fagus sylvatica was a dominant in the tree layer on the territory of SP 4. The total coverage of the first phytocoenotic |