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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2018 str. 40 <-- 40 --> PDF |
b) Since the polygons representing areas of accessibility were irregular in shape, it was difficult to determine the proportion of population with accessible specific functional level of UGS. To address this limitation and obtain the most precise output results, data about population within a statistical circle and vector data about housing objects (Teodolit, 2017) for 2015 were used. The number of inhabitants for specific geoobjects was determined so that the total population of a particular statistical circle was divided by the number of geoobjects located in it. Adjustment of the created values was carried out according to the number of floors and official data on household sizes in Zadar County. A raster model of population density was created using the Kernel Density tool. In the fourth phase of the research, the UGS accessibility indicator was derived from seven objective measures. Due to the complexity of the study and the subjective perception of UGS accessibility, the generated indicator was compared with subjective measures collected through a field survey which examined levels of population satisfaction with UGS accessibility in the settlement of Zadar. A field survey was conducted in 41 statistical circles in the settlement of Zadar between 10 May and 10 June 2014. In each statistical circle, 1% of the population, or 718 respondents were interviewed. Most of the questions were closed type and answers were given on the scale of five degrees, as follows: 1- completely dissatisfied, 2 - mostly dissatisfied, 3 - neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 4 - mainly satisfied and 5 - completely satisfied. 4. RESULTS 4. REZULTATI 4.1 Creating a UGS database for the settlement of Zadar – 4.1. Izrada baze UZP-a za naselje Zadar A spatially-oriented UGS database for the settlement of Zadar was made following the official methodology of the project. The derived spatially-oriented database (Fig. 2) served to determine the objective measures required for the process of UGS accessibility indicator modelling. It is evident that green areas are spatially dominant, but not evenly distributed within the administrative borders of Zadar (Fig. 2). Specifically, the ratio of the built-up environment and green areas in the settlement of Zadar is 1:2.3. This is the consequence of the specific form of administrative border, which in the north and northwest includes large, undeveloped, derelict spaces that for the majority of the population are not functionally part of the city. Scrubland and derelict agricultural areas dominate in this area (Fig. 2). |