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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2018 str. 44     <-- 44 -->        PDF

Pi = average UGS area (m²) per capita
IRG, ING, IQG, IDG, ICG, IUF = accessibility according UGS functional levels
BV = measure count within the indicator
For all statistical circles, values from 1 to 5 were assigned, indicating the quality of UGS accessibility. It is evident that only one statistical circle (135500) falls within the lowest category (1) of accessibility (Fig. 6). It is important to emphasize that none of the 41 analysed statistical circles had lowest value (1) for all seven objective measures.
Statistical circle 135500 recorded the lowest value of UGS accessibility (1) for six objective measures, with the exception of IRG (residential green). According to IRG measure it was given a classified value of 5. Therefore, in the context of green area accessibility within the inner-city housing environment (a lower functional level of UGS) this statistical circle was characterized by extremely good conditions. This may pose a particular difficulty when comparing results with the city residents’ subjective perception of UGS accessibility, because there is a possibility that the population perceives accessibility exclusively at lower UGS functional levels. The mean value of UGS accessibility for the settlement of Zadar is 3.1. Thus, the accessibility derived from the analysis of seven objective measures, according to UGS functional levels for the settlement Zadar, is 3.1 (moderate - neither satisfied nor dissatisfied) despite the fact that city of Zadar have 114 m² of UGS per capita.
An analysis based on subjective indicators complemented the objective indicators, which is why there was a difference in the instruments used and the content covered by objective indicators (Diener and Seligman 2004). As Watson et al. (2010) have emphasized, objective conditions does not need to be simply correlated with subjective ones, and the discrepancy between them can be interpreted in various ways (Ekins and Max-Neef, 1992; Veenhoven et al., 1993; Diener and Suh, 1997; Kahneman et al., 1999). New empirical research has focused on the synergy of objective and subjective indicators, thus simplifying definitions of guidelines for spatial changes and planning.
In this context, the UGS accessibility indicator, generated based on objective measures, was compared with residents’ subjective perception regarding UGS accessibility. The results of satisfaction with UGS accessibility for specific statistical circles were presented as the mean of all response’s given. The lowest value for a particular statistical circle was 1.5 (135437) and the highest 4.7 (135569). The average value of satisfaction with UGS accessibility for the entire city was 3.4, which did not greatly differs from the value derived on the basis of seven objective measures (3.1). In both cases, UGS accessibility for the city of Zadar was assessed as moderate, i.e. neither satisfactory nor unsatisfactory, in spite of the huge UGS per capita.