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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2018 str. 45 <-- 45 --> PDF |
6. CONCLUSION 6. ZAKLJUČAK The results showed that, according to the average UGS surface per capita, Zadar achieved above-average results. This is partly due to the specific form of its administrative boundary, and the low urban development of the area. Each resident in the settlement of Zadar has around 114 m² of green space. Although according to the measure of UGS per capita Zadar achieved remarkable results, their distribution and access are unequal. Several variables confirm that. Certain statistical circles have on average just a few m² of UGS per capita, while some recorded values greater than 6,000 m² per capita. Thus, about 27% of the total population lives in statistical circles which have less than 15 m² of green space per capita. Furthermore, according to the ANG standard only 17,846 (24.97%) of residents within a non-linear distance of 300 m have accessible UGS greater than 2 hectares. The results of this study highlight the fact that UGS importance should not be identified according to size or proportion in the total area of the settlement. UGS importance is best expressed through an evaluation of accessibility to the population. The city of Zadar is a good example where the lack of public transport support and effective connectivity between the UGS and transport networks can easily lead to certain green areas becoming “isolated islands” within the administrative boundaries of the settlement, and as such, people perceive them as inaccessible. Despite the fact that the ratio of built-up and green spaces in the settlement of Zadar is 1:2.3 and that each resident has around 114 m² of green surface, the generated accessibility indicator and residents’ subjective measure of satisfaction with UGS accessibility point to discrepancies. According to the UGS accessibility indicator, the mean value for Zadar is 3.1 (moderate) while according to the subjective measure of satisfaction or perception of the population, it is slightly higher, at 3.4 (moderate). The results of this research are in alignment with the claims of Chen and Chang (2015), who pointed out that large areas of green surfaces within a city do not necessarily generate proportionally similar satisfaction with their accessibility. From the analysis, it can be concluded that UGS accessibility, according to different UGS functional levels through statistical circles in Zadar, has heterogeneous values. The most significant differences were recorded in the statistical circles of the immediate city core (old town) and periphery. Further research should focus on a comparison of these results with other cities in Croatia and quantify differences in terms of UGS accessibility. 7. REFERENCES LITERATURA Barbosa O., Tratalos J. A., Armsworth P. R., Davies R. 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