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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2018 str. 64 <-- 64 --> PDF |
formed in Greenhouse-2 media with 36%. There were 3 different groups for CP. According to this, the highest callus percentage was found in Greenhouse-3 media with 67.33%. When RL values taken into consideration, 3 different groups were come to the fore. The longest root length values were determined in Greenhouse-2 media (1.95 cm). In terms of RN values, 2 different groups took place and Greenhouse-2 media (1.83 roots) was ranked first. In line with all this information, Greenhouse-2 media was identified as the most effective greenhouse media. In the scope of the study, cuttings were traced from the time they were transferred in the rooting media. The cuttings prepared on 11 March 2016 were planted. The cuttings were inspected every three days. 245 days after the planting (10 November 2016), they were removed from rooting media. The first callus formation of the species occurred in Greenhouse-1 media (in NAA 1000 ppm and NAA 5000 ppm treatments in perlite and peat rooting media), and also in Greenhouse-2 media (in NAA 1000 ppm treatment in peat rooting media), after 33 days from planting. The first root formation took place in NAA 5000 ppm treatment in perlite rooting media of Greenhouse-2 media, 56 days later from planting. 4. DISCUSSION 4. RASPRAVA The highest rooting percentage in the cuttings taken from European yew (Taxus baccata L.) was found as 80% in IBA 5000 ppm treatment in perlite rooting media of Greenhouse-2 media. The highest callus percentage was detected as 96.67% in NAA 5000 ppm treatment in peat rooting media of Greenhouse-3 media. When the root length values were examined, the longest root length occurred with 4,60 cm in IBA 1000 ppm treatment in perlite rooting media of Greenhouse-3 media. The highest number of roots was found in NAA 1000 ppm treatment (4,00 roots) in perlite rooting media of Greenhouse-2 media. In a study investigating the effects of chemicals on root formation for European yew, rooting success was obtained as 55% in cuttings from male trees in the combined treatment of IBA+NAA (0.25 mM each), compared to cuttings taken from female trees (15%). Additionally, Bavistin was highly effective both callus (≥90%) and root formation (80%) (Nandi et al. 1996). In our study, IBA and NAA hormones were more effective when used alone. The important point here is to achieve higher success with lower cost and labor. It should also be noted that high rooting percentage was achieved even in Control treatment (63.33%) without any hormone use when the appropriate temperature (air temperature at 20±2°C, rooting table temperature at 25±2°C) and rooting media (perlite) conditions were set. Aslam et al. (2007) reported that IBA 500 ppm treatment showed the best results in terms of root length, root number, rooting and callus percentage. In another study on the rooting of the cuttings of Taxus baccata L., the highest average rooting percentage and the longest root length in cuttings taken on February 5 was found to be 43.30% and cuttings treated with 0.8% IBA, respectively (Çetin, 1991). Anjum et al. (2011) pointed out that IBA treatment was the most appropriate hormone in terms of rooting and callus percentage, the number of roots and root length. This was followed by NAA and IAA treatment. As a result, it was found that the cuttings treated with IBA 500 ppm gave the best results on rooting. There are many more studies provided rooting success using IBA and NAA auxins on cutting propagation (Stumpf et al. 2001; Kalyoncu et al. 2008; Khoshnevis et al. 2008; Vakouftsis et al. 2009; Abu-Zahra et al. 2011; Kara et al. 2011). In one of these, the effects of IBA hormone and wound were investigated. At the end of the study, it was determined that the IBA treatment had a positive effect on rooting (Collado et al. 2010). Şeker et al. (2010) aimed to determine the effects on rooting of IBA, NAA and IBA+NAA hormones in softwood and semi-hardwood cuttings taken at different periods. The highest root number (3.1 roots), rooting (63.3%) and viability (68%) rates were obtained from IBA 6000 ppm treatment. In another study, the effects on rooting of time of taking cuttings, IBA and NAA hormones (0, 2000, 4000, 5000 and 8000 ppm) were researched. According to the results, while the highest rooting percentage (24.4%) was obtained at IBA 8000 ppm treatment, the longest root length and the highest number of adventitious roots was obtained at IBA 5000 ppm treatment (Rizi et al. 2006). New practices must be made by testing different methods in order to determine the most suitable propagation conditions in our country. 5. CONCLUSION 5. ZAKLJUČAK Since the highest rooting percentage was found as 80% in IBA 5000 ppm treatment in perlite rooting media of Greenhouse-2 media, it can be suggested that the rooting table temperature should be 5℃ higher than the air temperature, perlite rooting media and 5000 ppm dosage of IBA hormones should be used for high rooting success in propagation by hardwood cuttings of European yew. REFERENCES LITERATURA Abu-Zahra, T. R., M. Hasan, A. N. Al-Shadaideh, S. Abubaker, 2011: Effect of different auxin concentrations on umbrella tree (Schefflera arboricola) rooting, Agricultural Science Digest, 31(4): 312-315 |