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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2018 str. 43 <-- 43 --> PDF |
Predicting crown fuel biomass of Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) for the Mediterranean regions of Turkey Procjena goriva iz biomase krošanja bora (Pinus brutia Ten.) u mediteranskim područjima Turske Cumhur Güngöroglu, Ç. Okan Güney, Abdullah Sari, Ayhan Serttaş SUMMARY Accurate fuel load estimation is an important prerequisite for effective forest fire management. The aim of this study was to develop empirical allometric equations for the estimation of crown fuel loading of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) trees of Southwestern Mediterranean region of Turkey using dendrometric variables. For this study, 84 trees were sampled destructively. Branch samples of crown fuel biomass were classified as foliage and as branches within the following diameter ranges: very fine (≤0,3 cm), fine (0,31–0,6 cm), medium (0,61–1.0 cm), thick (1,01–2,5 cm) and active fuels. To estimate the crown biomass, the diameter at breast height, tree height, crown length, and crown width were used as the independent variables. Stepwise function and logarithmic linear regression models were used to analyze the relationships between the fuel biomass and properties of the sampled trees. Among all of the obtained allometric equations, the variation in fine branches was explained the most by crown width and crown length which together explained R2adj of 90.2 of the variation in fine branches. The variation in very fine branches was explained the least by tree height, which only explained R2adj of 60.4% the variation in very fine branches. The total crown fuel loading of Calabrian pine in present study compared with studies distributed in Greece and Turkey indicate, the fuel biomass of Calabrian pines can differ between regions. Key words: crown biomass, fuel load, Calabrian pine, Mediterranean regions INTRODUCTION UVOD Although fires are an important and natural part of Mediterranean ecosystems, there has been a notable increase over the past decades in the number and total area of forest fires in the European Mediterranean Basin, which has resulted in significant damage (Martínez et al,. 2008; Tampakis et al., 2005). Since the 1950s, the relationships between socio-economic and geophysical factors played an important role in increasing the risk of forest fires in the region (Viedma et al., 2017). Fire plans need to be effective in preventing potential fires and minimizing possible damages, while also offering a useful method for fighting fires (Vasconcelos et al., 2001). An important prerequisite for successful fire management is the accurate estimation of the fuel load (Bond-Lamberty et |