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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2018 str. 51 <-- 51 --> PDF |
management, it is important to take into account standards that will include factors other than fuel appraisal (Alexander, 2007). In addition to its variable topography and forest structures, the Mediterranean region of Turkey is also seeing a considerable demand for tourism, agriculture, and settlement. For this reason, fuel-loading studies should be enriched by also taking human intervention, canopy structures, and site conditions into account. Doing so will allow forest fire behavior analyses to be more effective, thus enabling decision-makers dealing with forest fires in the region to obtain far more accurate data and results. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ZAHVALA This study has been supported by the General Directorate of Forestry connected to The Turkish Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs as a research-development project with number: 19.9200/2012-2014-2015. REFERENCES LITERATURA Affleck, D.L.R., C.R. Keyes, J.M. Goodburn, 2012. 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