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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2018 str. 57     <-- 57 -->        PDF

determined in İzmir population (10516.5 g), and the lowest value in Artvin population (3815.1 g). The highest fruit moisture content was recorded in the Sinop population (52.21 %), and the lowest in the Artvin population (38.46 %).
The cluster analysis was conducted in order to determine degree of similarity or dissimilarity among populations with regard to the fruit and seedling morphological characteristics (Figure 4). The first group was made of the İzmir and Aydın populations. Balıkesir population took place in the second group with Kütahya population. The populations from the northern region of Turkey were in third group. Furthermore, discriminant analysis was used to find out the variables which best discriminate the groups obtained by cluster analysis (I1-A1; K1-B1; B2-S1-A2-A3). The results of the discriminant analysis suggested that the differentiation between the analysed groups is significant (P<0.05). The following variables had the highest discrimination power between researched groups: FL (P=0.000), 1000FM (P=0.000), FT (P=0.001) and FW (P=0.012) exhibited the