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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2018 str. 68 <-- 68 --> PDF |
uređajima i pratećim softverima programima osiguravaju nove aspekte istraživanja, zaštite i monitoringa šumskih i ostalih ekosustava. Neke postojeće tehnologije, koje svakim danom ulaze u primjenu kroz daljinska istraživanja putem bespilotnih letjelica, zamjenjuju i smanjuju potreban broj ljudi, smanjuju troškove, povećavaju preciznost i omogućuju do sada često nedostupan pristup,koji će se u budućnosti razvijati sve više. Tehničke karakteristike termalne kamere koja je korištena u ovom istraživanju, kao i kapacitet baterije bespilotne letjelice kao ograničavajući faktor primjene, u budućnosti će razvojem tehnologije biti usavršavani, a samim time doći će do razvoja novih metoda i promjene gledišta korištenja opisane tehnologije. Smanjivanje potrebnog broja ljudi i korištenjem metodologije, između ostalog i ovdje opisane metode, koja generira pogrešku sistematskog karaktera, dovesti će u budućnosti do stabilnijih i točnijih procjena svih trendova populacija divljači kojima se gospodari ili upravlja. Literatura References Anonimus, 2015a: Pravilniku o sustavima bespilotnih zrakoplova. Narodne novine br. 49/15 Anonimus, 2016b: Uredba o snimanju iz zraka. Narodne novine br. 70/16 Dowd, A., 2014: “Drone wars: risks and warnings”. Retrieved 4 Caniglia, R., 2008: Non-onvasive genetics and wolf Canis lupus population size estimation in the Northern Italian Apennines. Doctoral Thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna - Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica, 84. Chabot, D., Bird, D. M., 2015: Wildlife research and management methods in the 21st century: Where do unmanned aircraft fit in?. J. Unmanned Veh. Syst. 3: 137–155. Gašparović, M., Seletković, A., Berta, A., Balenović, I. 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Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, , 432 pp, Cambridge. Tomljanović, K (2016): Lovnogospodarska osnova za državno otvoreno lovište III/39 “OPEKE II” za razdoblje 01.04.2016. - 31.03. 2026. Tomljanović, K., Grubešić, M., Krapinec, K. 2010: Testiranje primjenjivosti digitalnih senzornih kamera za praćenje divljači i ostalih životinjskih vrsta. Šumarski list, 134(5-6), 287-292. Summary Different techniques and technologies are being used in wild animal research. Goals of such research and monitoring are various, most common are numbers per area and size of population for a researched species (Myslenkov i Miquelle, 2015). Development of new techniques and technologies that are used everyday in practial wild animal monitoring has made many tasks much easier and more precise, usage of technology often decreases the number of people needed to be involved in research and has made some until now unfeasable methods a reality. In conducted research we wanted to explore to what amount is it possible to apply a drone system equiped with thermal camera in assessing some population parameters for big game. Research was conducted in lowland teritorry of continental part of Republic of Croatia within hunting ground Opeka II. Wild boar has been chosen for the research as the most common species of big game in Republic of Croatia. Within two localities (I age grade of Oak forest) testing of two counting methods was conducted. First method was to try and count all |