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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2018 str. 69 <-- 69 --> PDF |
neck within researched department. Given results show relatively high numbers of wild boar in average of 1,26 with sd=+/- 0,18 necks/ha within researched plane. Second utilized method was to count wild boar on in advance determined strips, whose share in total observed surface amounts to 10%. In this method infomation are of bigger variability and somewhat smaller number off wild boar within observed plane has been determined in amount of 0,61 neck/ha with very high sd=+/- 0,53. Researched confirmed the posibility of applying drone systems with thermal cameras. From two applied methods, first (absolute counting of all animals) is more suitable for smaller surfaces, while the method of appropriate strips is more suitable for larger surfaces with conscious risk of generating greater counting error. Key words: lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles, drone, hunting management, remote sensing, wild boar (Sus scrofa), big game counting |