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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2019 str. 40     <-- 40 -->        PDF

in the E-W direction. Its depth is up to 59.7 m, but the highest altitudinal difference, between the highest and the lowest point of the doline, is 111.8 m. The perimeter area amounts to 0.12 km2, while the estimated volume is ~410000 m3. According to the morphology, it can be classified as a bowl-like doline. Regarding the morphogenetic features, the doline is polygenetic in origin, since several processes such as karst corrosion, collapse and slope processes were included in its genesis and evolution. Recently, the most intensive are slope processes; manifested by the appearance of the slope base colluvium. It is composed of unsorted debris material, containing irregularly shaped and different-sized rocky fragments, mostly 10–20 cm in diameter. A great amount of the dolomitic scree found on the southern exposition slope is a clear geoindicator of the cryofraction process. Outbound trunks and bended tree bottoms are bioindicators for the rockslides and creep process present on the slopes regarding to different inclination.
Microclimate – Mikroklima
Two measuring periods were extracted from the total microclimatic data, for the analysis of the microclimatic parameters. The results of the mean air temperature analysis (Fig. 2) showed that the warmest part of the doline for most observed days was the southerly exposed slope; while the bottom was the coldest part of the doline in both analysed periods. Results of the statistical analysis (Tab. 1) show higher values of average temperature on the southerly and northerly exposed slopes, as opposed to the bottom of the doline. Such a result indicates the presence of the temperature