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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2019 str. 59 <-- 59 --> PDF |
Erfmeier, A. H. Bruelheide, 2004: Comparison of native and invasive Rhododendron ponticum populations: Growth, reproduction and morphology under field conditions. Flora, 199: 120–133. Esen, D., S.M. Zedakerb, J.L. Kirwanb, P. Mouc, 2004: Soil and site factors influencing purple-flowered Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum L.) and eastern beech forests (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) in Turkey, Forest Ecology and Management, 203: 229–240. Gutterman, Y. 1992: Maternal effects on seeds during development, In M. Fenner (Ed.), Seeds: The ecology of regeneration in plant communities (pp. 27–59). Melksham: Redwood Press, UK. Harris, C.M., K.J. Park, R. Atkinson, C. Edwards, J.M.J. Travis, 2009: Invasive species control: Incorporating demographic data and seed dispersal into a management model for Rhododendron ponticum, Ecological Informatics, 4: 226–233. Hatipoglu, E. 2013. Doğu Gurgeni (Carpinus orientalis Miller)’nde Yukseltiye Bagli Olarak Bazi Morfolojik Karakterlerin ve Cimlenme Özelliklerinin Arastirilmasi, Dissertation (Master thesis), Karadeniz Technical University, 107p. Trabzon, Turkey. Higgins, S.I., D.M. Richardson, R.M. Cowling, 1996: Modeling invasive plant spread: The role of plant-environment interactions and model structure. Ecology, 77 (7): 2043–2054. ISTA, International Seed Testing Association, 1996: International Rules for Seed Testing, Rules Seed Science and Technolog, 24 (Supplement): 241-335. Jessen, K., S.T. Andersen, A. Farrington, 1959: The interglacial deposit near Gort, Co. Galway, Ireland. – Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section B: Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science,60: 1, 3-77. Keller, M., J. Kollmann, 1999: Effects of seed provenance on germination of herbs for agricultural compensation sites. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 72: 87-99. Reiley, E. H. 1995: Success with Rhododendrons and Azaleas, Timber Press, 348p. Cambridge, UK. Rejmanek, M., D.M. Richardson, 1996: What attributes make some plant species more invasive? Ecology, 77: 1655–1661. Rowe, D.B., F.A. Blazich, S.L. Warren, T.G. Ranney, 1994: Seed Germination of Three Provenances of Rhododendron catawbiense: Influence of Light and Temperature, Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 12(3):155-158. Singh B., B.P. Bhatt, P. Prasad, 2004: Effect of seed source and temperature on seed germination of Celtis australis L.: a promising agroforestry tree-crop of Central Himalaya, Forests Trees and Livelihoods,14: 53–60. Thomson, A.G., G.L. Radford, D.A. Norris, J.E.G. Good, 1993: Factors affecting the distribution and spread of Rhododendron in North Wales, Journal of Environmental Management39:199–212. Tutin, T.G., V.H. Heywood, N.A. Burges, D.M. Moore, D.H. Valentine, S.M. Walters, D.A. Webb, 1972: Flora Europaea, Cambridge Univ. Pr., 370p. Cambridge. Tyler, C., A.S. Pullin, G.B. Stewart, 2006: Effectiveness of Management Interventions to Control Invasion by Rhododendron ponticum, Environmental Management, 37(4): 513–522. Vecchio, S. D., E. Mattana, A.T.R. Acosta, G. Bacchetta, 2012: Seed germination responses to varying environmental conditions and provenances in Crucianella maritima L., a threatened coastal species, Comptes Rendus Biologies, 335: 26–31. Var M., D. Dincer, 2006: The Replication of the Purple-flowered Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum L.) by Seed and Chances of Survival in Replanting in Different Media, Turkish journal of agriculture and forestry, 30: 145-152. Vera M.L. 1997: Effects of altitude and seed size on germination and seedling survival of heathland plants in North Spain, Plant Ecology, 133:101–106. Sažetak Rhododendron ponticum je popularna grmolika biljka koja se vrlo često koristi u krajobraznoj arhitekturi. Zbog svojega oblika, lišća i cvjetova, kao i zbog funkcionalnih značajki, posebno je efektna kada se sadi u velikim grupama. Ova prirodna biljka raste u mnogim planinskim i šumskim područjima na različitim visinama. U ovome radu istražili smo uspjeh klijanja sjemena Rhododendron ponticum u stakleničkim uvjetima (25 ± 2 ºC, 70 ± 2% vlažnost). Sjeme smo pribavili iz tri različita lokaliteta u sjeveroistočnoj Turskoj: Zafanos (39º46’N, 40º56’E, 592 m n.v.), Maçka (39º39’N, 40º41’E, 1234 m n.v.) i Zigana (39º24’N, 40º39’E, 1744 m n.v.). Nakon klijanja određene su visine sadnica i duljina korijena. Najveća klijavost (78,91 %) utvrđena je kod sjemena sakupljenog u lokalitetu Maçka (1234 m). Razvoj sadnica pokazuje da su najveće vrijednosti visina i duljina korijena dobivene kod sadnica iz lokaliteta Zafonos (592m). Utvrđeno je da postotak klijanja nije u značajnoj korelaciji s rastom sadnica. Ključne riječi: Rhododendron ponticum; klijavost; rast sadnica; varijabilnost provenijencije |