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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2019 str. 13 <-- 13 --> PDF |
also confirmed in leaf blotches and other necrotic tissue on Fraxinus spp. (Anselmi 2001, Bakys et al. 2009), is first time reported in ash seeds. For the rest of the identified species there is no documented evidence of their presence in trees. Instead they are known for being pathogens of agricultural plants (Cercospora beticola, Phomopsis cucurbitae) (Bertetti et al. 2012, Vaghefi et al. 2017), pathogens of stored Pisum sativum L. seeds (Aspergillus ruber) (Harman et al. 1972), saprotrophs in forest soil (Vishniacozyma tephrensis) (Mašínová et al. 2017), parasites of nematodes (Didymella heteroderae) (Chen et al. 1996) and leaf spot causing agents on Coprosma robusta Raoul (Mycosphaerella coacervata) (Hood 1985). Since most of the described species were present at low frequencies their effect on general health status of seeds cannot by very significant, but ability of those known as potential parasites to induce symptoms and decline of seeds and later seedlings under the unfavourable conditions remains possible. Hymenoscyphus fraxineus was not found in the seeds of Fraxinus angustifolia analysed in this research performed |