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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2019 str. 53 <-- 53 --> PDF |
body of the bottles. This was secured using small pieces of metal wire. A mixture of white and red wine (1 : 1), with a few pieces of banana, was poured inside as bait. The traps were setup in three sets of five. The first two sets were set up on 13 June 2017 at locations 5 and 7, while the third set was set up on 13 July at location 4, to provide additional screening during the peak of the activity of some saproxylic species. All three were removed on 28 September. They were emptied once a month. In order to survey nocturnal beetles, four to eight UV light traps were used three times to collect beetles at location 11, in May, July and September. Sweep netting was performed by sweeping herbaceous and low woody vegetation on all locations, on 9 April, 14 & 29 May, 13 June, and 13 July 2017 to find beetles hiding and/or feeding within that vegetation layer, especially on flowers. Collecting by hand was carried out on all locations and represents random non-specific collecting. Additionally, several beetle records from UV light trapping in April and September 2015 from locations 3 and 5, with some random sampling methods from March 2015 on location 4, are also included in the results. Specimens of species which could be reliably identified in the field were examined macroscopically and/or by using handheld magnifiers (10× magnification). Those that could not were collected using ethyl acetate and brought back to the lab, examined under a 1MISTBMS143T stereo microscope and their genitalia were isolated when needed for identification purposes. The usual keys were used for identification, both in the field, and in the lab (Ballerio et al., 2010; Bense, 1995; Bordy et al., 2012; Curletti et al., 2003; Freude, 1971; Laibner, 2000; Lompe, 2009; Mikšić, 1965, 1958; Nedvěd, 2015; Novák, 2014; Sama, 2002; Šustek, 1981; Trautner and Geigenmüller, 1987; Turin et al., 2003; Warchałowski, 2010, 2003). All collected specimens are deposited in the Coleoptera collection of Association Hyla. The identification of members of the Elateridae family was additionally checked by Tamás Németh from the Hungarian Natural History Museum (NHMUS). The nomenclature follows Fauna Europaea (de Jong et al., 2014). RESULTS REZULTATI During the field work, and including the authors’ personal records from 2015, a total of 89 beetle species were recorded, seven of which are already known from the literature. Thus, the total number of beetle species currently known for Turopoljski Lug is raised to 133 (Appendix 1). Only one of those is listed in Annexes II and IV of the Habitats |