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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2019 str. 71     <-- 71 -->        PDF

At the stand age of 85 years, the basal area was 61.74 m2·ha-1 and the volume 918.23 m3·ha-1. The slenderness index ­(h/dbh ratio) at the age of 75 years was 87 and was gradually reduced until the age of 85 years when it reached 83. The ­slenderness index of the dominant trees at the age of 75 ­years was 70 and was gradually reduced until the age of 85 years, when it reached 68 (Table 1).
The diameter distribution of the stand at the ages of 75, 80 and 85 years showed bimodality, with the range of diameter classes from 22.5 cm to 52.5 cm, and 57.5 cm, respectively (Graph 1).
The diameter distribution of trees is approximately symmetrical and platykurtic while the variability of diameter at breast height is 24.3-25.4% (Table 2).
The height distribution of trees is characterized by left asymmetry and mesocurtic distribution while the height variability of the trees is 15.2-15.9% (Table 3).