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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2019 str. 73     <-- 73 -->        PDF

In previously mentioned relations, the collective B with 33.3% smaller number of trees at the age of 75 years has higher basal area and volume per hectare compared to the collective A for around 3% and 6%, respectively. At the age of 80 years, the smaller number of trees for 22% in collective B has higher basal area and volume per hectare for 30-32%, and at the stand age of 85 years, the 19% smaller number of trees in collective B has higher basal area and volume per hectare for 35-37% compared to the collective A (Table 5).
In observed ages, the variability of diameters at breast height in collective A (24.7-25.6%) is higher compared to the collective B (18.9-19.5%). The diameter distribution of the trees in the collective A is characterized by right asymmetry and platykurtic distribution while in the collective B the left asymmetry and platykurtic distribution were registered (Table 6).
In observed ages, the variability of heights of trees in collective A (18.3-19.8%) is higher compared to the collective B (9.8-10.4%). The height distribution of trees in collective A is characterized by left asymmetry and platykurtic distribution, while in collective B a strong left asymmetry and leptocurtic distribution was registered (Table 7).
The current diameter and height increment in the collective B is higher by 90% and 32%, compared to the collective A, respectively. The differences are significant (p < 0.05). The current basal area and volume increment in the collective B is 2.19-2.34 times higher compared to the collective A and the differences are highly significant (p < 0.001) (Table 8).