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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2019 str. 75 <-- 75 --> PDF |
projecting the tending measures, as well in the case of establishing the cultures with secondary tree species. The absence of tending measures in the researched culture, due to mentioned conservation approach and the lack of knowledge about growth characteristics of this rare species in Serbia contributed to the decrease of the species perspective and sustainability. From the total number of trees per hectare at the age of 75 years, 34% trees were registered in the understory and 80% of the trees had significantly reduced crowns (Bobinac et al., 2008). In the period of 75-85 years of the stand age, at the butt of the trees, the wood decaying fungi carpophores were registered and the windbreakages are present as well (Figure 4). Because of the absence of the tending measures in this unique culture of G. dioicus in Serbia, the knowledge about characteristics of growth of trees in ’’optimal’’ growing space conditions has been denied. Having in mind all the restrictions that limited the generalization of the conclusions based on this small sample in the stand, it can still be concluded that the dominant trees with well developed crown are representing the achieved phenotype that is interesting for the production of technical assortments (Figure 5). Besides the decorative role and resilience to disease and pests (Carter, 1966); with poisonous leaves that made it generally resistant to herbivores (Janzen, 1976); with relative resistance to damage caused by ice and wind (Carter, 1966) and limited ability for subsponatneous expansion (Bobinac et al., 2017; 2018), G. dioicus has a range of positive characteristics that are pointing to the possibility of a wider use of this species in forestry. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ZAHVALA This paper was realized in the scope of project “Forest plantations in order to increase forestation of Serbia“ (31041), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia for the period 2011-2018. References Literatura Alden, H.A., 1995: Hardwoods of North America. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-83. Madison, WI: U.S. Deparment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: pp. 136 Andrašev, S., 2008: Razvojno proizvodne karakteristike selekcionisanih klonova crnih topola (sekcija Aigeiros Duby) u gornjem i srednjem Podunavlju., Disertacija, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet: s. 427, Beograd [Developmental and productive characteristics of selected black poplar clones (section Aigeiros Duby) in upper and middle Danube area. PhD thesis. University of Belgrade, Faculty of forestry. pp. 427, Belgrade] (in Serbian with English abstract) Bobinac, M., T. Stojadinović, 2007: State and development of Kentucky coffee-tree (Gymnocladus canadensis Lam.) plantations on Fruška Gora, International Symposium: Sustainable Forestry-Problems and challenges, Perspectives and challenges in Wood Technology, Faculty of Forestry, Skopje, Proceedings, 34-38., Skopje Bobinac, M., T. Stojadinović, N. Stanković, 2008: Gymnocladus canadensis Lam. - rare alochtonous woody species on Mt. Fruška Gora (in Serbian with English summary), Proceeding of 9th Symposium on the flora of Sotheastern Serbia and Neigbouring regions, Niš, 2007: 205-210., Niš Bobinac, M., S. Andrašev, N. Šušić, A. Bauer-Živković, 2017: Characteristics of subspontaneous dispersal of Kentucky coffetree (Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K.Koch.) in Topčider, Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, 116: 09-28., Belgrade Bobinac, M., M. Šijačić-Nikolić, N. Šušić, A. Bauer-Živković, 2018: Finding of parthenocarpic fruit in Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch in a plantation at Fruška Gora (Serbia), 3rd International Conference on Plant Biology (22nd SPPS Meeting), Book of Abstracts, (158–159) Belgrade Carter, C. J. (1966). Illinois trees: selection, planting, and care. Illinois Natural History Survey Circular; no. 51., pp. 123 Elias, T.S., 1980: The Complete Trees of North America. Field Guide and Natural History. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.: pp. 948 Environment Canada. 2014: Recovery Strategy for the Kentucky Coffee-tree (Gymnocladus dioicus) in Canada. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series. Environment Canada, Ottawa. vi + 36 pp. Halaj J., J. Grék, F. Pánek, R. Petráš, J. Řehák, 1986: Percentá prebierok pre hlavne dreviny, Lesnicke studie 40, Vyskumny ustav lesheho hospodarstva vo Zvolene, Priroda: s. 98, Bratislava Harlow, W., E. Harrar, J. Hardin, F. White, 1996: Textbook of Dendrology, McGraw-Hill Series in Forest Resources: pp. 534, New York |