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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2019 str. 11     <-- 11 -->        PDF

in cases when only the forehead and the nasal bones remained after cutting, they would add 10 g (Bieger and Nüßlein 1977). This “compensation” of the mass is no longer permitted by CIC rules. In other words, if a large part of the skull is cut off, there are no additions in the evaluation procedure.
The basic task of the study of hunting trophies is to develop the best possible method of objective and standardised trophy evaluation. There are many reasons for this: an objective calculation of the price of a trophy (if price lists are based on trophy value), a basis for evaluation of the quality of an animal population, but also the fact that hunters are sensitive to non-objective evaluation of trophies. In examinations of the antlers at hunting exhibitions, or in the evaluation of trophies, it is possible to observe all three permitted methods for trophy preparation. Hunters very often ask which method of trophy preparation is best, in the sense of maximising trophy value. Therefore, in this paper we analyse the effects of different methods of antlers preparation on the final and objective trophy value.
The research was undertaken on 40 trophies (roe buck skulls) obtained during the 2017/2018 hunting year, from the open state hunting ground no: I/3 - ‘’ČRNOVŠĆAK’’ and the open hunting ground no: I/143 - ‘’LUPOGLAVSKI ČRET’’.
These are hunting grounds that border on each other (Figure 1) and are located in the lowland, central part of Croatia, at 100 to 106 m a.s.l. According to Köppen’s climate classification the climate is type Cfwbx”. This is a temperate, moderately humid climate, precipitation is distributed evenly over the entire year, and the driest part of the year is during the cold period. There is comparative maximum precipitation in the warmer part of the year, which is two-fold, splitting into the maximum in spring (May) and late summer (July or August), between which there is a dry period. Temperatures in the coldest month are above -3 0C. Mean monthly temperature in the warmest month is below 22 0C.
The total research area was 4 522 ha. The proportion of forest and arable land in both hunting grounds is about 40% (Table 1). The hunting ground ‘’LUPOGLAVSKI ČRET’’ has a larger area of grassland than ‘’ČRNOVŠĆAK’’ (17% and 2% respectively), while ‘’ČRNOVŠĆAK’’ has a larger proportion of brush land than ‘’LUPOGLAVSKI ČRET’’ (8% and 2% respectively).
The roe bucks were hunted as part of the regular basic hunt management, and after shooting the trophies were processed following a standard procedure according to the CIC protocol (Hromas et al. 2008). Saw dust and bone fragments after sawing also were weighed.
In order to test the normality of distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used, and the Shapiro-Wilk test since the sample size was below 50 (Zar 1999). The results of the tests of normal distribution of data showed that the mass of the antlers with the entire skull (K-S: d=0.09032; p>0.2; S-W: W=0.98545; p=0.878); the mass of the antlers with a shallow cut skull (K-S: d=0.08736; p>0.2; S-W: W=0.98512; p=0.868); the mass of the antlers with the regularly cut-off skull (K-S: d=0.11105; p>0.2; S-W: W=0.97757; p=0.6000);