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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2019 str. 13 <-- 13 --> PDF |
(CV = 14.96%), whilst the greatest variability was shown by volume (CV = 46.92%). Since for each trophy the gross mass (the mass of the uncut skull) and the volume were measured, it may be concluded that the trophy mass is relatively consistent (CV=27.39%). Therefore, it is logical that the density of the antlers shows high variability (from 28.00% in trophies cut according to the prescribed criteria, to 38.40% for intact trophies). The parts of the skull cut off show less variability (the coefficient of the variability of waste after the shallow cut is 14.96%, and after the prescribed cut 17.12%), than the mass of the skull which is part of the trophy (the coefficient for the skull mass with a shallow cut is 30.32%, and with the prescribed skull cut, 33.14%). Regardless of how the skull is treated (intact skull - deduction of 90 g, shallow cut - deduction of 65 g, or the prescribed skull cut - no deduction), all three types of skull mass show significant correlation with volume (Figure 3). Volume may explain almost 90% of the variability in the mass of the skulls, but it is not the same for all three methods of skull processing. The greatest variability in mass is shown by intact skulls (R2=0.866), slightly less is found in shallow cut skulls (R2=0.876), and the least in completely cut skulls (R2=0.916). This indicates that the cut-off parts of the skull are either not uniformly cut, or have very different density. According to the results of the analysis of covariance, there is almost no difference in the coefficients of the slope of the lines of the cutting methods compared (F=1.3591; p=0.261). On average the difference between uncut and correctly cut skulls is 43 grams, and between shallow cut and correctly cut skulls, 4 grams. The density of the antlers, depending on how the trophy is processed, differs significantly. Figure 7 shows the trend of the decreasing density of trophies with the increase in |