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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2019 str. 14     <-- 14 -->        PDF

volume (R2=0.813; p<0.001), which is logical. However, the density of the trophy changes significantly in relation to way of preparation (ANCOVA; g: p<0.05). Since the Box-Cox transformation of data from Figure 4 was performed, the density values cannot be used directly but they must be re-calculated to their original values. According to them, the intact trophies are 2.86 g/cm3 denser than the correctly cut ones, and 2.40 g/cm3 denser than the shallow cut trophies, whilst the shallow cut trophies have 0.45 g/cm3 lower density than the intact ones. This indicates that cutting removes the denser, more solid parts of the skull.
The correlation of the mass of the cut part of the skull and the gross mass of the trophies differs between the two forms of trophy processing. For the shallow cut, that correlation is lower whereby the gross mass of the trophies explains only 29 % of the variability (R2=0.2923; p<0.001) if equalization is conducted by linear regression, or 28 % (R2=0.2771; p<0.05) if the methods are equalized using the curve of potency (Figure 5). Regardless of the choice of curve or line of equalization, after cutting by the shallow cut, the skull is between 25 and 52 grams lighter (Table 2, Figure 8), which is almost 11 g less than when 65 g is subtracted from the antlers for the irregular cut. Therefore, in case of trophies of medium values (below capital value limit of 105,00 CIC points), they should be cut according to the CIC rules to increase the aesthetic value of the trophy.
The loss of trophy mass occurring due to the prescribed cut is within much larger boundaries (from 54 to 132 g, Table 2), and is far more dependent on the gross mass of the skull (Figure 6). Here as much as from 68 % to 70 % of the