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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2019 str. 31 <-- 31 --> PDF |
distributions of the root collar diameter are clearly pointing out the difference between the one-flush and multi-flush growth seedlings (Figure 3). The height of the one-flush growth seedlings are higher by 1.8 cm on average compared to the height of the first growing flush (shoot) in multi-flush growth plants, with somewhat lower absolute variability (sd) and the relative variability (cv) that is lower by twofold. The asymmetry is slightly positive that is shown by the models of distributions. However, the total height of multi-flush seedlings is 55% higher compared to the one-flush growth seedlings. The absolute variability is almost threefold, and the relative variability twofold higher and the right asymmetry is more pronounced that can be seen in the Weibull’s models of distributions (Table 2, Figure 3). Compared to one-flush growth seedlings, the number of leaves of multi-flush growth Hungarian oak seedlings was by twofold higher, and the total leaf area was 2.3 times higher, on average. The absolute variability of the number of leaves of multi-flush growth seedlings was higher by twofold and of the total leaf area by threefold with the more pronounced right asymmetry of total leaf area compared to the one-flush growth seedlings. The models of distributions of the number of leaves and the total leaf area are clearly supporting the characteristics shown by the descriptive statistics (Table 2, Figure 3). The nonparametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test confirmed the significant differences between the distributions of one-flush and multi-flush growth of one-year-old Hungarian oak seedlings of all analyzed growth elements (Table 4). DISCUSSION RASPRAVA In the conditions of the field experiment, the Hungarian oak seedlings expressed the multi-flush growth in the first growing season. In one-flush growth seedlings, the growth stops when the primary axis (the first flush) finishes its growth in the spring, while in multi-flush growth seedlings, the growth continues throughout the summer, with the elements of different individual reaction. |