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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2019 str. 50     <-- 50 -->        PDF

In order to determine the amount of suspended sediment, for each plot a 0.5 L sample of water taken from the runoff storage tank was brought to the laboratory and put into the heating oven (For 1-2 days at 70°C). After the runoff water was evaporated, the samples of residual suspended sediment were weighed on a precision scale. The specified value was calculated according to the total runoff amount accumulated in the storage tank and the total suspended sediment it carried (Figs. 2,3). The materials coming from the plots collecting areas were trapped in a sieve in the collection tank and were not used in determining the amount of suspended sediment (Şensoy and Kara, 2013).
Density and technical specifications of the skid trails – Gustoća i tehničke specifikacije traktorskih vlaka
An investigation was carried out of the density and technical characteristics of the skid trails in the study area where logs had been extracted using farm tractors. In order to do this, first, each skid trail was sampled at intervals of 20 m from the beginning to the end. Points were determined at intervals of 20 m using a global positioning system (GPS) device (horizontal accuracy: <0.4 m RMS). These points were placed in a geographic information systems (GIS) environment and the length of each lane was determined. Thus, measurements were made on all of the skid trails and these values were recorded in a data log. In addition, the width of the skid trail was measured at each point. The density of the skid trails was then found using these data.
Statistical analyses – Statistička analiza
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determine whether or not the data were normally distributed. As the data did not show a normal distribution, normal distributions were provided by applying the square root transformation. Variance analysis was used to detect any difference in the amounts of sediment and runoff between the plots in the experimental sites. The Independent Samples t-Test was applied to find differences among the plots in the factors of aspect, slope and tree type (deciduous and coniferous). All statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS 19 package program.
Slope class findings – Utvrđivanje nagiba u području istraživanja
Except for the north-western parts of the study area, the land is not generally sloping. The study area consists of flat