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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2019 str. 43 <-- 43 --> PDF |
that the elevation of the study area ranged between 700 m and 2400 m and the average elevation was 1380 m. The average slope of the area was 15.51 degrees with the maximum slope of 54.60 degree in the study area. The dominant aspect of the study area was found to be south. Elevation, slope, and aspect factors were obtained through utilization of ArcGIS 10.3 TM and NetCAD GIS 7.6 software. This was performed as a result of generating the equal curves of height from the base provided free from Digital Elevation Model ASTER-GDEM by limiting of the work area with 10-meter interval. In this study, 12 models were developed according to M-AHP, FIS and LR approaches with different combinations of nine factors. The factors distributions of the models formed in LSM process are provided in Table 1. Factors used in M-AHP method and score values for factors were given in Table 2. The elevation factor for M-AHP scoring was evaluated in four groups and the highest score was given to the lowest height areas with 7 points in this study. This was followed by higher areas which received 5, 3, and 1 points, respectively. Slope (degree) factor was evaluated in five groups according to IUFRO and the highest score was given 9 point to lowest degree areas, and the highest areas to 1 point. Since sunny areas may be more prone to landslide, aspect factor in sunny areas was given a maximum value of 11 points, and was given a minimum value of 1 point to shaded |