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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2019 str. 36 <-- 36 --> PDF |
Fang (2000)’s compatible volume equation: V = 0.0004 . (dbh1.922847 . h1.097805) (16) Various artificial neural network structures based on the MLP, 320 of alternatives, and BRF, 20 of alternatives, including different alternatives for the numbers of neuron and activation functions were evaluated to determine the best predictive ANN structures predicting the individual tree volume. In MLP for single entry volume predictions, including dbh as an input variable, the best predictive results were obtained by the neural network architectures, including 9 neurons in hidden layer with the tan-sig activation function in both input layer and output layer. The best predictive finding in RBF including dbh as input variable was obtained by the neural network architectures, including 7 neurons in hidden layer with Gaussian activation function and identity activation function in the output layer. In double volume predictions with dbh and total height as input |