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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2019 str. 7     <-- 7 -->        PDF

Hoće li promjenom ministra doći i do promjene odnosa prema šumarskoj struci?
Will a change in the ministry bring about a changein the attitude towards the forestry profession?
Više puta pisali smo o tome kako smo očekivali da će ova Vlada ponajprije vratiti šumarstvo u naziv resornog ministarstva, a potom i promijeniti odnos prema šumi i šumarskoj struci. To se na žalost nije dogodilo, tako da je šumarski resor u Ministarstvu na razini dijelova poljoprivrede, primjerice povrtlarstva, iako se radi o resursu koji pokriva gotovo polovicu kopnene površine Republike Hrvatske. O tome da je šuma najsloženiji ekosustav na svijetu, koji samim time zahtijeva visoku stručnost gospodarenja njime pa je i u Ustavu naznačeno da je šuma uz tlo i vode resurs od posebnog interesa za Republiku Hrvatsku, u uređenom gospodarstvu ne bi trebalo to opetovano govoriti. Ne inzistiramo na tome da resorni ministar mora biti istaknuti šumarski stručnjak, ali to onda mora biti državni tajnik ili pomoćnik ministra zadužen za šumarstvo. Ministar pak treba koristiti svaku priliku da se informira o struci, sastavnici njegovog resora, a najlakše će to učiniti nazočnošću barem na nekoliko stručnih skupova na kojima se znanstveno-stručno raspravlja o stanju i problemima u struci – njegovom resoru. Nažalost, smijenjeni resorni ministar nije nazočio niti jednom takvom skupu, pa niti onome u organizaciji Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, što ocjenjujemo i podcjenjivanjem struke, ali i ove znanstvene institucije. Vidljivi trag u šumarstvu ostavio je jedino osnivanjem „svoje“ Uprave šuma, smanjujući površine susjednih Uprava. Trenutno naš resor vodi drvni tehnolog, što je nelogično, a s čime se očito šumarska struka prešutno slaže, što je pak sramotno. Tko nam uopće vodi i kakvu šumarsku politiku i imamo li dobru strategiju da je provodimo? Kome je zapravo podređena šumarska politika? Opći je dojam da je vode drvoprerađivači i to nažalost oni primarne prerade drva, naravno po netržišnim uvjetima i zanemarujući načela potrajnog gospodarenja.
U svome obraćanju nazočnima na znanstveno-stručnom skupu održanom u povodu Dana hrvatskoga šumarstva, predsjednik Hrvatskoga šumarskog društva Oliver Vlainić, naznačio je sadašnje probleme šumarstva i stavove struke. Nemamo ništa tome za dodati, nego upućujemo čitatelje da u prošlom dvobroju časopisa pročitaju prikaz sa spomenutoga skupa. Dakle, struka opominje i ukazuje na alarmantno stanje u šumarstvu, kojega resorno ministarstvo očito ne prepoznaje.
Za saniranje stanja nakon ledoloma i vjetroloma u Gorskom kotaru i situacije s katastrofalnim sušenjem jasena te nadolazećega problema s hrastom, našom najvrjednijom vrstom drveća, bit će potrebna znatna financijska sredstva. Gdje ih pronaći ako smo novim Zakonom o šumama znatno smanjili priliv financijskih sredstava od naknade za općekorisne funkcije šuma (OKFŠ), a drvne sortimente prodajemo i dalje po netržišnim uvjetima? Nismo trebali dugo čekati da nova ministrica Odlukom o smanjenju naknada za šume i šumska zemljišta, pokaže kako će se odnositi prema šumi i šumarstvu. Vrijednost bodova je smanjena za 30 do 90 %, ovisno o uzgojnom obliku šume. To će, kaže ona, ubrzati investicijske projekte, jer su navodno mnoge investicije u kojima je bilo potrebno izdvojiti šumu ili šumsko zemljište iz šumsko-gospodarskih planova, bile dovedene u pitanje zbog previsoke naknade za lokalnu i regionalnu samoupravu. Naravno, „nisu ludi“ platiti privatnicima, koji imaju na stotine tisuća hektara zapuštenog i zaraslog zemljišta, kada je državno (čitaj općenarodno) gotovo besplatno. Uostalom, za njih primjerice: šikara, šibljak, makija, garig i nije „neka šuma“. A najnovije je najava novoga smanjenja naknade za općekorisne funkcije šuma „povećanjem granice ukupnog godišnjeg prihoda i primitka s 3.000.000,00 kn na 7.500.000,00 kn “ što je obrazloženo opterećenjem, kako na poduzetnike, tako i na administrativnu obradu“. Ionako smanjenim sredstvima OKFŠ-a, koja se danas većinom koriste za razminiranje i vatrogasnu zajednicu, za „zelene“ radove u šumi na oko milijun hektara krša, preostaje jako malo novaca. Što reći na sve to?
Idemo malo pričati o klimatskim promjenama, kisiku, ugljičnom dioksidu, eroziji, pitkoj vodi, rekreaciji i općenito zaštiti okoliša, gdje je šuma jedan od najznačajnijih i najsloženijih ekosustava, o kojoj i bez stručnog obrazovanja, nažalost svi sve znaju, jer jako vole šumu.
Često spominjemo načelo potrajnosti i osiguranje višenamjenske uloge šume, što je moto poslovanja u šumarstvu, ali za to je ponajprije potrebno promijeniti mišljenje da šumu možemo samo koristiti, a ne ulagati u nju, odnosno vratiti joj dio benefita kako bi bila vječna.

ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2019 str. 8     <-- 8 -->        PDF

We have written on several occasions about how we expected the present Government to bring the word forestry back into the name of the line ministry and to change its attitude towards forests and the forestry profession. Regrettably, this has not happened, with the final result of the forestry sector within the Ministry being at the level of parts of agriculture, vegetable growing for example, although forests cover almost half of the land area of the Republic of Croatia. Needless to say, the forest is the most complex ecosystem in the world, whose management requires supreme expertise. The Constitution itself states that, along with soil and water, the forest is a resource of particular interest for the Republic of Croatia. We do not insist that the sector minister should be a renowned forestry expert, but the state secretary or assistant minister in charge of forestry should definitely be one. The Minister should take every opportunity to get to know the profession which is a constituent part of his Ministry. The best way to do it is to attend at least several professional symposia in which the status and problems of the profession are discussed on a scientific-professional basis. We regret to say that the deposed department minister did not attend one single gathering, not even the one organized by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. This we regard as both the belittling of the profession and of the mentioned scientific institution. The only visible trace that he left in forestry was the establishment of “his” Forestry Administration at the expense of reducing the area of the adjacent Administrations. At present, the forestry department is headed by a wood technologist, which is illogical, but even worse, the forestry profession seems to approve of this. Who runs the forestry policy and do we have a good strategy for running it? Who is the forestry policy subjugated to? There is a general impression that the forestry policy is led by wood processors, and what is tragic, by wood processors in primary wood processing, who are guided by non-market conditions and who disregard the principles of sustainable management.
At the scientific-professional gathering held to mark the Days of Croatian Forestry, Oliver Vlainić, President of the Croatian Forestry Association, mentioned current problems in forestry and attitudes of the profession. We have nothing more to add to this but to ask the readers to read the reviews of the gathering in the past double issue of the journal. Clearly, the profession repeatedly warns of the alarming conditions in forestry which the competent ministry obviously does not recognize.
Considerable financial means will be required to repair the damage caused by ice and wind storms in Gorski Kotar and to remedy the situation with disastrous ash dieback and the oncoming problems with oak, the most valuable tree species in Croatia. Where to find these means if, according to the new Forest Act, the financial means from non-market forest functions fees have been significantly reduced while wood assortments continue to be sold at non-market conditions? We did not have to wait long to see how the new lady minister will treat forests and forestry by her Decision to lower the fees for forests and forest land. The value of the points was reduced by 30 to 90%, depending on the silvicultural form of the forest. To quote her words, this will accelerate investment projects, because, allegedly, many investments in which it was necessary to exclude forests or forest land from forest management plans, were called into question due to excessive fees for local or regional self-managing units. Of course, they are “not crazy” to pay to private owners, who have hundreds of thousands of hectares of abandoned and overgrown land, when the state (read: public) land is almost free of charge. For them a scrub, a thicket, maquis, and garrigue is not much of a forest anyway. The latest is the announcement of a new reduction in the non-market forest function fee by “increasing the level of total annual income from 3 000 000.00 kuna to 7 500 000.00 kuna, which was explained by a burden, both on the entrepreneurs and the administrative processing”. Due to reduced means from non-market forest functions, which are currently mainly used for demining and for the fire fighter service, very little is left for “green” operations on about one million hectares of karst. What is there left to say?
Let us talk a little bit about climate change, oxygen, carbon dioxide, erosion, potable water, recreation and environment protection in general, where the forest is one of the most important and most complex ecosystems, and about which everybody, although lacking professional education, knows everything because they all love forests.
We often mention the principle of sustainability and the insurance of the multipurpose role of a forest, which is the motto of business-making in forestry. However, the first step is to change the general belief that the forest can be used without investing into it or without returning to it a part of the benefits. Only if we do so will forests remain an eternal asset.
<br>Editorial Board