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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2020 str. 58     <-- 58 -->        PDF

was transferred to the Arcmap programme where a visual representation and analysis of the situation was made. The maps presented in this paper were created using ArcGIS® software by Esri (2011)
The created methodical approach – Primijenjen imetodički pristup
The method assesses the possibility of short-term recreation for a wide range of the population and forests located close to urban development. The assessment system of the method offered contains a set of indicators (18) grouped into 2 domains (Tab. 1). The first domain Forest contains 6 indicators and assesses forests condition and stability - the ability of forest to maintain their structure and functions with impact of external factors. The domain consists of natural and environmental factors that are more stable in time and space compared to the second domain. The second domain, Recreation, is made up of indicators reflecting appeal and comfort for visitors in urban forests. These are the features reflecting the recreational needs of the population as regards forest areas. The indicators were selected in view of environmental assessment of forests, their aesthetical properties, as well as in view of the social needs of the visitors.
The class recreational volume (CRV) is the value defining forest biotope suitability for recreational use and reflecting the recreational potential of certain forests. Result processing (Rysin 2003) includes a separate calculation of factors