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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2020 str. 61     <-- 61 -->        PDF

for each domain for each area in question, which enables subsequent CRV determination of certain parts of the forest. The values of the relevant coefficient (C) are calculated according to this formula:
SP is the sum of points of the forest assessed for a group of indicators and SM is the maximum possible sum of points for a group of indicators in the formula. The point grades for all indicators are presented in Table 1. We have used three grades for assessment each indicator, where 0 is bad, 1 is average, and 2 is excellent. There are two possible relevant coefficients as result: C–forest (Cf, including domain Forest) and C–recreation (Cr, including domain Recreation). We have took value for the grade perfectly – 1(one). Hence is the subsequent gradation.
For the purpose of general assessment of recreational potential, forests are divided into 3 CRVs:
− if the value of each factor (Cf and Cr) ≥ 0.67, the forest belongs to the 1st CRV, and is suitable for recreational use
– if the value of 1 of the factors calculated is from 0.34 to 0.66, and that of the other factor is > 0.33, the forest belongs to the 2nd CRV, which enables limited recreational use of the forest;
– if the value of at least one of the factors calculated is ≤ 0.33, the forest belongs to the 3rd CRV, and its recreational use is not recommended before implementation of a set of measures aimed at improvement of its quality by improving indicators with low values.
In this way, it is easy to determine the CRV and to express the assessed forest quality.
Testing of the methodical approach via the urban forest “Horský park“ – Ispitivanje metodičkog pristupa u urbanoj šumi „Horský park“
As a result of field works, the indicators were defined specifically for each domain in the urban forests. The following indicators reflect the forest condition and most influence the assessment of the Forest domain: Recreational digression, Sanitary condition of the forest, New regrowth and Lower layers of vegetation. The road network density indicator turned out to be important too.
During the long history of park being used as a recreation facility, an entire network of paths running along main park roads has appeared. As a result, the degraded area increased significantly. The quantitative value C-forest is shown in Figure 3.