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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2020 str. 51     <-- 51 -->        PDF

In the initial planting densities of 1111 and 1667 stem ha-1, although it did not differ statistically, the mean tree height (7.6 m) was 16.4% lower than in the planting density of 2500 stem ha-1. In the experiment, the height varied between 4.5 m and 12.2 m, regardless of the planting density.
Volume regression models for individual trees depending on the DBH were developed for each initial planting density and are given in Table 2. Initial planting density did not affect the stem volume of individual trees, and the mean stem volume in all planting densities was 19.7 dm3 (Table 3).
Mean stem, branch and total aboveground dry biomass of individual trees were 10.3, 3.63 and 13.7 kg, respectively, and these were not affected by the initial planting density (P >0.05; Figure 2A). Stem dry biomass constituted approximately 73% of the aboveground dry biomass and this ratio wasn’t different in all seedling densities. Furthermore, the ratio of branch dry biomass to stem dry biomass was wasn’t different statistically (0.36) in all planting densities (P >0.05; Figure 2A).
Stem, branch and aboveground dry biomass at stand level were significantly affected by initial planting density (P <0.05; Figure 2B).  Stand level aboveground dry biomass in the 1111 and 1667 stem ha-1 density treatments were not different statistically and lower than in the higher initial planting densities. The highest stand level aboveground dry biomass occurred in the highest initial planting density (3333 stem ha-1). Although there was a threefold difference between the number of seedlings planted per hectare in the highest and lowest initial planting densities, this difference was approximately four times for stand level dry biomass. The ratio of stem-aboveground dry biomass at stand level at the density of 3333 stem ha-1 (0.74) was higher than at the other initial planting densitys (0.72) (P <0.05; Figure 2B).