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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2020 str. 78     <-- 78 -->        PDF

ur. Damir Drvodelić, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Šumarski fakultet. U tisku. 75. str.
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Oršanić, M., D.  Drvodelić, I. Kovačević, 2007: Rasadnička proizvodnja sadnica crnog oraha (Juglans nigra L.). Šumarski list 131, ( 5-6): 207.-217.
Oršanić, M., D.  Horvat, N. Pernar, M. Šušnjar, D. Bakšić, D. Drvodelić, 2008: Growth of Pedunculate Oak Seedlings under Soil Contamination by Mineral and Biodegradable Oils. Croatian journal of forest engineering, 29 (2): 155.-162.
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