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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2020 str. 20 <-- 20 --> PDF |
Pernek, M., N. Lacković, 2011: Uloga jelovih krivozubih potkornjaka u sušenju jele i mogućnosti primjene feromonskih klopki za njihov monitoring, Šumarski list, 13: 114-121 Pernek, M., S. Novak-Agbaba, N. Lacković, N. Đođ, I. Lukić, S. Wirth, 2012: Uloga biotičkih čimbenika u sušenju borova (Pinus spp.) na području Sjeverne Dalmacije, Šumarski list, 7-8: 343-354 Pernek, M., N. Lacković, I. Lukić, N. Zorić, D. Matošević, 2019: Outbreak of Orthotomicus erosus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) on Aleppo Pine in the Mediterranean Region in Croatia, SEEFOR-South-east European forestry, 10(1): 19-27 Pfeffer, A., 1995: Zentral- und westpaläarktische Borken- und Kernkäfer, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, 309, Basel Rando, R.M., 2011: Studio de las curvas de vuelo de Ips sexdentatus y de sus principales predatores en diversos montes de la provincia de Teruel en 2008 y 2009, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, 92 str. Sarikaya, O., H.M. Ibis, 2016: Predatory species of bark beetles in the pine forests of Izmir Region in Turkey with new records for Turkish fauna. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 26, 651-656. Schroeder, L.M., 2003: Differences in response to α-pinene and ethanol, and flight periods between the bark beetle predators Thanasimus femoralis and T. formicarius (Col.: Cleridae), For. Ecol. Manag, 177: 301–311 Vaupel, O., 1991: Möglichkeiten der Verminderung von Borkenkäferschäden durch die Anwendung von Pheromonfallen, U: Kolloquium über die Borkenkäfer-Gefahren nach Sturmschäden, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer integrierten Bekämpfung, Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, 80-83 Wermelinger, B., 2002: Development and distribution of predators and parasitoids during two consecutive years of an Ips typographus (Col., Scolytidae) infestation, J. Appl. Entomol., 126: 521-527 Weslien, J., J. Regnander,1992: The influence of natural enemies on brood production in Ips typographus (Col., Scolytidae) with special reference to egg-laying and predation by Thanasimus formicarius (Col., Cleridae), Entomophaga, 37: 333-342 Summary In the Aleppo pine forests at the Croatian Mediterranean in 2017, a Mediterranean bark beetle (Orthotomicus erosus) appeared in population densities that had not been recorded before and until then was not considered a significant pest in that area. Natural enemies are not able to follow a sudden increase of the bark beetle population, which results in rapid increase of drying trees. As a part of the suppression of the Mediterranean bark beetle in 2018, pheromone traps have been installed in Croatia for monitoring purposes. Although there are multiple options for applying different types of traps and pheromone preparations for the Mediterranean bark beetle, so far the differences in catches of different types of traps and their selectivity have not been investigated. In 2019, 40 pheromone traps were placed in the Forest Park Marjan (Split) on 196 ha of forest area. A pairs of pheromone preparations Pheroprax and Erosowit were compared, a system of three traps (Triplet) with a single flight barrier trap as well as the modified wet flight barrier trap with a regular flight barrier trap. In addition to the average number of catches in pheromone traps, particular attention was given to selectivity. Two predator species Tanasimus formicarius and Temnochila caerulea were found in traps, with T. formicarius in insignificant quantities relative to T. caerulea. The results indicate that Erosowit exhibits significantly higher catches compared to Pheroprax and is significantly more selective. Pheroprax has a very high catches of T. caerulea predators and is not recommended for practical use. The Triplet had only slightly better catches compared to the single flight barrier trap, but also showed slightly better selectivity. The Triplet did not show the expected effect due to the amount of the catch, which was slightly higher than in the single trap, but not significantly in order to recommend their use. The wet flight barrier trap turned out not to be satisfactory as it does not produce significantly higher catches than a regular flight barrier trap, and is twice less selective. Given the additional costs (trap adaptation, fluid that needs to be changed, slower collection), this trap type is not recommended for use. Comparing the results of the catch in 2019, the number of bark beetles was found to be almost 5 times lower than in 2018. Key words: Pinus halepensis, Erosowit, Pheroprax, Taemnochila caerulea, Thanasimus formicarius, climate changes |