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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2020 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

on vitality indicators, for growth data we selected only a relatively short common period 1950-2007 for the analysis. EPS value of beech chronology within studied period (1950-2007) was 0.894, which is well above threshold of 0.85 and Signal-To-Noise ratio is also quite large – 8.460. (Table 3).
Interactions – Interakcije
The results of bootstrapped Pearson’s correlation indicate a significant influence of extreme temperatures on beech defoliation (Table 4), as well as a significant negative influence of precipitation in June of the previous year.
Results given in Table 5 indicate complex interactions between foliar mineral concentrations and climate variables of the current and previous year. Overall, a general pattern can be observed where current year temperature variables are mostly negatively correlated to foliar mineral concentrations, whereas precipitation and drought indices are positively correlated regardless of nutrient in question. Additionally, we noticed that most climate variables of summer months (June and August especially) are negatively correlated to nutrient concentrations, whereas climate variables during spring months are positively correlated. However, similar patterns cannot be observed when comparing foliar