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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2020 str. 43 <-- 43 --> PDF |
rose as well, to 21–34 m2/ha in high intensity thinning fields and 34–42 m2/ha in control fields (Figure 5). At the end of rotation, at stand age 50–70, densities in high intensity thinning fields were 295–690 trees/ha (Figure 3); in control fields they were 370–790 trees/ha. At the end of the rotation densities were very similar in control fields and moderately thinned fields, but always lowest in high intensity thinning fields. Growing stock at the end of rotation was 277–458 m3/ha in high intensity thinning fields and higher in control fields, 309–516 m3/ha (Figure 4). The highest growing stock was recorded on plot 4, where it exceeded 600 m3/ha in a moderately thinned field at stand age approximately 80 years. Between first measurement and the measurement in 2018, growing stock increased the least in high intensity thinning fields regardless of plot. Between stand ages 50 and 70 basal area was even higher 23–41 m2/ha in high intensity thinning fields and 26–51 m2/ha in control fields. Development of pure black alder stands throughout the rotation period can be monitored at plot 4. We found that |