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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2020 str. 65 <-- 65 --> PDF |
forest areas that are invisible or outside detection range. The roads were considered to be part of the fire observation system with many observation points on them. People using roads passing through forests was reporting fires to the authorized officers, immediately. Therefore, visibility analysis of roads was also performed to check their observation potential in this region. Materials and Methods Materijali i metode Study Area – Područje istraživanja This study was conducted in Isparta Regional Directorate of Forestry located on 36°49’24”- 38°29’35 North latitude and 29°19’45”- 31°34’25” East longitude (Figure 1). The study area covers about 1.8 million hectares, 44% of which is covered by forests. This study contains a very wide fire observation network of 37 fire lookout towers including the neighbouring 9 towers. The minimum, maximum and mean elevation in the region are 72 m, 2984 m and 1236 meters, respectively, while the mean inclination is 26%. In addition to the Mediterranean climate, there are transition zones to continental Central Anatolia climate. The characteristic features of the Mediterranean climate (Lionello et al., 2006; Karatepe and Koyun, 2017) are observed in the south of the study area. Temperature increases (>32°C) and precipitation decreases (mean <20 mm) in summer (Worlclim, 2019). Fire risk increases extraordinarily owing to high temperature combined with low relative humidity declining below 10% due to the impact of drying northerly winds during the period covering early June and late September (Neyişçi, 1987) considered as the fire season in the region. The annual mean precipitation is 490 mm, while it declines to 17 mm on average in summer. The mean relative humidity is 60% in summer while the dominant wind direction is south (TSMS, 2019). Coniferous species account for 75% of the forests. Brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) and black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold.) that are coniferous tree species very sensitive |